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A Third Political Party

Dreamed 2020/11/30 by Wayan

I'm biking round a hilly neighborhood here in San Francisco. On a corner with shops, I find a party--people drinking and dancing half-naked and setting off fireworks. At least 100 crammed into a curbside parklet no bigger than a bus.

Whoa. Here comes a real bus, also packed solid with stripped-down partiers.

Last and craziest, a third party on a longbed dumptruck with waist-high walls, bursting with drunken, half-naked dancers.

I'm attracted to the sexy vibe, all that bare skin--it's been cold, and they couldn't possibly strip so much if they weren't so crowded and sharing warmth. But I shy away, steering round them with difficulty (and, I admit, reluctance; I want some of those girls) ... thinking of Covid.

Only when I see the third group do I see the pattern. This isn't spontaneous rebellion. This is ORGANIZED. Deliberate defiance of City health orders trying to slow the virus's spread. The skin, the lure, may be sex (well, for me; for some, booze or dance or fireworks) but at the bone, it's political. "I wanna do as I please, I won't die of it... so who cares if I kill someone else."

Half-naked dancers on a truck during the covid pandemic. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
NOTES IN THE MORNING In the 1918 flu pandemic, here in San Francisco, cops jailed no-maskers as a public health hazard. They were; their "political statement" caused a second wave in early 1919, killing hundreds. In today's pandemic, it's killed hundreds of thousands. And will kill more.

I get that self-indulgence looks sexy. It did in my dream. It's why Trump has traction. But when you endanger OTHERS, no. Just no.

LISTS AND LINKS: parties - puns - politics - Trump - on the road - babes, hunks & sexy critters - sex in general - diseases - Covid - ethics - digital & woodblock print dream art

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