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Five hypnogogic dreams by Forrest Bess, 1947, '57, '67, and '70.

Forrest Bess (1911-1977) was a strange, rather tormented figure--a gay man in a conservative small town in Texas who felt he didn't fit either the gay or straight world--he saw himself as a hermaphrodite (and cut himself to make his body fit his spirit).

His work is simple and self-taught but not quite folk art; he was well-read in mythology and collected (or developed) an alphabet of private glyphs with both mystical and sexual meanings. Many of his paintings use these, others are purely abstract, but a lot are hypnogogic dreams--the images he saw falling asleep, half asleep or waking up. Hypnogogy often has a feel of rushing forward, being deluged in images; note how despite their minimalism most of these have a sense of depth; they're not decorations on a flat picture-plane but depict space and imply motion.

The Crowded Mind / The Void'', 1947, painted by Forrest Bess.

The Crowded Mind / The Void, by Forrest Bess, 1947

'The Premonition', 1947, painted by Forrest Bess.

The Premonition, by Forrest Bess, 1947

Untitled, 1957, painted by Forrest Bess.
Untitled, by Forrest Bess, 1957
'Complete Freedom', 1970, painted by Forrest Bess.
Complete Freedom by Forrest Bess, 1970

'Drawings', 1967, painted by Forrest Bess.

'Drawings' by Forrest Bess, 1967

His work isn't my thing at all, but one small painting like these on Antiques Roadshow was valued at $100,000 or so. Somebody out there likes him.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Forrest Bess: Seeing Things Invisible by Claire Elliot, 2013, pp.29, 32, 58, 68-9, 86. Plus Antiques Roadshow...

LISTS AND LINKS: hypnogogic dreams - symbols - abstraction - oil & acrylic - intersexuality & hermaphrodism - outsiders & rejection, loneliness & hermits - a REM dream by Bess: Asteroid

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