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Do What You Love

song by Chris Wayan

"Do what you Love" performed by The Krelkins, 2014
Won't play? Plain MP3, 2:12 (5 MB)

“Do what you love and the money will follow”:
We sang it in clubs and cafes.
Well, maybe it did once, but now it rings hollow
I ain't had money in days --
I ain't had money in days --

Feudalism is long gone, you say,
long gone and quaint...
So why do us workers get treated like serfs ?
Either we is or we ain’t.
Either we is or we ain’t.

And how we howl against war!
Bewildered and blued,
depression's our mood --
what are we marching FOR?

We’re hungry and tired,
recession's poor brood --
I don't mean to be rude,
but don't feudalism... require a feud?

So the warlords out East, all the Shrubs & Saddams,
They'll gladly employ you, if you’ll just build bombs
And fire all the teachers and frack up the land --
Recession? My friends, this was planned!
Recession? My friends, this was planned!

For their cold rain drives us to shelter --
Ignore the smoke from their smelter!
Health care, if you'll serve your feudal lord,
dropping the dreams you now can't afford...
Now can't afford....

“Do what you love and the money will follow”--
We lived it in clubs and cafes!
Well, I think it did once, but now it rings hollow
I ain't had money in days --
I ain't had money in days --
Yeah, I ain't had money... in... days.

Waif's face.

The Krelkins are a Bay Area quartet: Nic Griffin, Erik Gross, Mike Marrelli, Chris Wayan.

LISTS AND LINKS: more Krelkins songs - dream songs - music in dreams - dreams about the economy, money, and class - dream financial advice

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