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Get the Picture?

Dreamed by Barbara, 1979 or before

Dreams can provide that extra push many of us need to say things we find awkward or embarrassing. Barbara had the following dream:

I was in a pool swimming with my eight-year-old son on my back. I would swim under the water while my son's head would stay above it. I did this in several short bursts, while my husband was supposed to take a picture of us in this position. But somehow he wasn't getting the picture taken.

I was beginning to feel as if I was going to drown if he didn't get it soon. Each time I surfaced, I asked him, "Did you get the picture?"

Each time his answer was, "Not yet."

It was immediately clear to the other members of the dream group that Barbara was trying to get her husband to see that she felt she was being submerged by her solo child-rearing duties and that she wanted some acknowledgment and relief.

Barbara herself took quite a while to recognize the obvious play on words in her only line in the dream scene: "Did you get the picture?"

When she finally got it after hearing another dreamer repeat the words, she laughed, then decided to take the message home to her husband.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed) p.142.

LISTS AND LINKS: relationship-advice dreams - swimming - underwater dreams - gimme air! - photography - hurry! - frustration - parenting - puns - gender & sexism - more Gayle Delaney

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