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Green Shoes

Parallel dreams, late 1988?, by Debbie Ifasi and "C."

About 2-3 years ago I broke up with G. and we both started dating other people. My relationship with G. was filled with synchronicity and premonitions which later became true.

G. was dating C. They both lived in New Jersey at the time, and I in New York. I never met C.

One night I dreamed that I met her, and that she was plump and had short, wavy black hair.

In the dream, I told her that she could never "fill my shoes,' in reference to my relationship with G.

When I told G. about my dream, he was shocked. He said my description of C. was fairly accurate, and that C. had recently experienced the same dream.
In her dream, she met me, and I was wearing a pair of green shoes.

In her dream, I said to her, 'See these shoes, you could never fit into them."

...I do not know if we experienced these dreams during the same night, but I believe that there is a possibility that we did and that we met in our dreams...

I believe the green shoes symbolize jealousy, but I'm not sure if it was C.'s, or mine, or both of ours.

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol III, No. 2: June 1991; Gloria Reiser, ed.

LISTS AND LINKS: friendships & sexual triangles - envy & jealousy - clothes & shoes - color & symbolism - shared & telepathic dreams - ESP in general - more Somnial Times

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