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Horse-shoe Magnet

Dreamed 1983/12/3 by Wayan


I have a big heavy horseshoe magnet on my head; awkward, but it lets me sense things inside walls. Trouble is, I get quite dizzy, especially in the long dark hall between the public and bedroom-halves of our house. Dizzy because I now have a magnetic attraction to unseen things. Keep getting pulled & tipped off course! Seeing too much.

A big horseshoe magnet on my head gives me a sixth sense but makes me dizzy. Dream sketch by Wayan.
Natalie Wood in thought-recording helmet from her last film, 'Brainstorm'.
Natalie Wood in 'Brainstorm', modeling
the final version of its thought-recorder.


I go see Brainstorm--a science fiction film on the issues arising from the invention of an experience-recorder. Their prototype is a headset shaped like a big horseshoe magnet on your head, as in my dream. [To right: lighter final version. Couldn't find good photos of the heavier beta model.]

The inventor's dizzied by what he feels. Though soon enough, he and his friends ignore the dangers and abuse their new toy--playing tape loops of orgasms, drug trips and dreams, playing them to exhaustion... seeing too much.


In the dream, the headmagnet gives me remote sensing--essentially, tech-induced ESP--yet I pay a price in disorientation. Five days later, it turns out this image ITSELF is predictive--either a hell of an odd coincidence, or ESP. (How often have you dreamed that image? Taking a test, naked in public, sure--universal! Big horseshoe magnet on your head giving you a sixth sense? Be honest, now...)

The dream was self-flagging--both about a sixth sense and demonstrating one! This is as intriguing as ESP, in its way--it hints that the dreaming mind knows what it's up to, and tries to warn that dimwit conscious...

It may also be a practical warning. "Sensing unseen things leads to disorientation in the mundane world."

Oh, well. I can't take MY 'brainstorm' device off--since it's me. No choice but to see what I see! Besides, the mundane world never offered me much. Might as well go on looking through their stupid walls...

This little dream is one of a set of apparently psychic dreamlets I'm adding to the World Dream Bank to strengthen its case that dreamworkers should keep their minds open about ESP. I've been a dreamworker half a century; when I began, ESP was (if not respectable) not an outrageous hypothesis. Now it's mostly associated with sixties excess, and rejected out of hand. It shouldn't be.

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