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Lion Fatigue

Dreamed 1989/8/24 by Xanthe & Wayan, as told by Wayan


I'm in a group trying to trek out of a desert. But this desert's indoors. Skylights glare down on rooms of dunes. Most of our group are out of sight ahead; I'm shepherding two tired stragglers who lagged because they're out of shape and fat. In a way that's good; lack of food and water hasn't bothered them too much yet. Complain of hunger more than thirst! In contrast, I'm skeletal; only a day or two of this and I'll be in big trouble.

Finally spot a door ahead. Light. OUTSIDE. The rest are here. Already farming! Raising goats and chickens. Their leader says "Figured we'd better raise food while we explore. We're still trapped. So far, we can't find a way beyond that wall there." A peripheral wall encircles the whole farm.

Somehow, though, a mountain lion gets in and out. A mother with one cub. She seems tired, sick. Rests on her side nursing her cub, right next to domestic animals--a goat and HER kid. Will she kill these farm animals we depend on? You'd think so, but she seems to see them as kin; they act linked. Like some quantum entanglement.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Maybe this is why she's so tired. Should we, CAN we untangle them? Even if we should, I don't understand how.

I wake, and think "What a weird explanation to come up with for lion fatigue! Quantum entanglement?"


At work, my friend Xanthe looks tired. She admits she's exhausted. And tells me why:

"I had this endless dream--my three dogs fought this lion, and all of them got wounded, and I had to calm the lion down and care for them... all... damn... night."
Quantum-entangled, all right! Just not who I thought, not lion and goat. Xanthe and me!

LISTS AND LINKS: deserts - labyrinths & mazes - farms & farming - big cats - fatigue - quantum entanglement & observer effects - friends - Xanthe - telepathic or shared dreams - ESP in general - self-flagging dreams - digital dream art

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