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by Chris Wayan, 2006

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Mangivolo, 17-19 S, 198-201 E
Largest of the Boran Islands south of T'kela (southeast Diomedes). Mangivolo's a graceful curving ridge 1000 km long (600 mi); the east coast resembles the Mediterranean, the west coast a golden, treeless African veldt--nearly desert. (Source: Trader to the Stars)
MANANNAN, a moon of Lyr
The second largest moon of Lyr, 2100 km (1300 mi) wide, as big as Pluto, orbiting about 300,000 km out (190,000 mi). Its apparent size is smaller than Luna, but Manannan's brighter, for its albedo is high. With its reddish face and white poles, it looks like a miniature Mars, though its atmosphere's thinner and surface temperatures colder. Manannan's tidal stresses on Lyr itself and on the largest moon Oisin stimulate tectonics on both--without Manannan's tugging, Lyr might be a landless world-sea, and Oisin might be lifeless. (Source: the Celtic sea-god)
Mannen River, Mannen Bay, 1-3 N, 200 E
Part of the Drakho Sea--a semicircular bay 400 km (250 mi) wide, in the west coast of Lannach (Diomedes region). The Mannen River, a slow winding stream 400 km (240 mi) long, pours into the bay. The shores are unbroken rainforest. (Source: The Man Who Counts)
Maukh, 42 N, 272 E
A volcanic island just off Cape Choth east of Li, in Oronesia. Maukh is a triangle of wooded hills and plains 360 km long (220 mi) and half as wide. Relatively old, low and eroded for the Li region, Maukh's hills are steep fluted ridges up to a kilometer high, rainforested even on the steepest slopes. (Source: People of the Wind)
May, 27 N, 94 E
One of the larger Swan Islands (off southeast Troisleons), May is 300 km (190 mi) long and half as wide. The climate's subtropical, with open woods and meadows on the coasts and denser forests on the slopes of the overlapping volcanic cones at the island's heart. (Source: Three Hearts and Three Lions)
Mayaw Is., 40 N, 237-250 E
Four volcanic islands west of Li in Oronesia. The largest, Mayaw proper, rises just off Li--a C-shaped island 230 km (140 mi) long. The low east shore rises to spectacular cliffs on the west, for Mayaw is a collapsed caldera. To the west are two lesser isles, Hawaiian in scale (and height as measured from the sea floor); a third islet 500 km further out and just a few miles across is the only link to the Tariat Islands beyond. All the Mayaws are subtropical and rainforested; unlike, say, Hawaii, the islands have no dry sides. Most of Oronesia is culturally and biologically diverse, because it's central to traffic between hemispheres. But the Mayaws, off the main flyway, are a bit of a backwater. (Source: Earth Book of Stormgate)
Maznunder, 17 S, 179 E
A tropical island in the Kyrie Archipelago off southern Kilnu in the Diomedes Cluster. Maznunder rises in the center of the chain. One of the largest of the Kyries, it's a U shape some 130 km long (80 mi); Mt Maznunder, a dormant shield volcano, rises to 1600 m (a mile high) in the south; twin capes shelter an excellent harbor in the north. The climate's a bit drier than Hawaii, almost Mediterranean. Its nearest neighbor is Szili. (Source: The Martyr)
Meiiva, 72 S, 260-265 E
One of the larger antarctic Averorn Islands, Meiiva is 450 km long (280 mi), the size of Newfoundland. It looks more like the bizarre, mossy, cold rainforests ("sleetforests"?) of Patagonian Chile or the Queen Charlotte Islands off BC. Glaciers cap the low mountains, but the blizzards give way to endless cold rain and sleet storms in the lowlands, creating bogs and woods on the lower hillslopes (to the polar shore at 73 degrees south!)--low, slow-growing, twisted, moss-bearded, dense, a lurid green, looking profoundly alien. They survive because the Averorn Islands are in a polar wet zone, a belt nonexistent on Earth (see CLIMATE BELTS). (Source: The Merman's Children)
Mt Memnis, 3 N, 213 E
Highest point in the Driss Islands, east of Lannach (Diomedes region); a steep volcanic cone 4500 m high (14,800'), with a twin to the south, Mt Gerunis. The whole Driss chain rises sharply from deep water; were the range on land, it'd be spectacular, with scarps up to 2 km (6600') high. (Source: The Man Who Counts)
Menusha, 36 S, 187-8 E
Narrow Menusha in the eastern Rorvan Islands is 400 km (250 mi) long and only 50-100 wide, though satellite islands lie off the south coast. Menusha is solidly wooded; the climate's mild and rainy. (Source: Question and Answer)
Meriven Bay, 40-45 N, 81-87 E
A bight fully 1600 km wide (1000 mi), off northwest Troisleons. Meriven's green shores are low--only in the west, on Cape Avalon, does the coast turn rugged. (Source: Three Hearts and Three Lions)
Lake Meriven, 44 N, 91 E
The largest lake in northern Troisleons, an oval 200 by 300 km across (130 x 190 mi), nestled in the Faerie Hills south of Cape Alfric. The lake drains east into Carahue Bay, not into its namesake Meriven Bay to the west. (Source: Three Hearts and Three Lions)
MERSEIA, 28-39 S, 15-33 E
A temperate, rainy continent in the Flandry Cluster, half the size of Australia and shaped like a plesiosaur--or a goose. Two similar continents, Starkad and Besar, lie just to the west. Merseia is pronounced "mare say a..." (Source: Ensign Flandry & seq.)
MIDDLE SEA, 0-25 S, 250-285 E
A shallow sea surrounded by the Gaiila Cluster: Gaiila on the east, Equatoria and Quetlan on the north, Tau and Carnoi on the west, and the Tempest Islands on the south. The Middle Sea's nearly as big as the Indian Ocean. (Source: People of the Wind)
Midway in the Hisagazi Is., 26 N, 113 E
An island between Erkila and Diell in the northern Hisagazi Islands in eastern Polesotechnica. Midway's a wooded subtropical islet just 45 km long and 25 wide (27 by 15 mi). Its sole importance is as a flyway between the Polesotechnic Strip and the continent of Troisleons. (Source: descriptive)
Midway in the Quenna Islands, 15 N, 325 E
An island 1300 km east of Hrill, in southern Oronesia. Midway is only 33 km (20 mi) across; its importance is as a link between hemispheres. 1600 km further east are the Ayan Islands, only gateway to the huge Ythri Region. Midway is Hawaiian in climate, with a cloudy central peak dividing a lush east coast and drier west. The native flora and fauna are mostly gone, supplanted by fruit and nut trees and bushes from travelers' seeds. At least Midway hasn't been stripped barren. (Source: descriptive)
Midway in the Shua Islands, 1 S, 253 E
An island 800 km west of Equatoria, in the Gaiila Cluster. Second largest of the Shua Islands, Midway is only 120 km (75 mi) long; its importance is as a flyway. The Shuas form the only route into huge, isolated Tyrlan to the north. Midway's low and smothered in dense rainforest. Right on the equator, it has two seasons--warm, rainy orbital winter (when Lyr's further from the sun) and hot, torrential orbital summer. The only difference is how MUCH heat and rain. (Source: descriptive)
Midway in the Ziro Is., 7 S, 257 E
An island between Equatoria and Tau in the western Gaiila Cluster. Not to be confused with the much larger Midway a mere 2000 km northwest in the Shua Islands (see above)--this Midway is only 30 km (19 mi) long. It's still the largest in the Ziro chain. Midway's a low, slender coral island, smothered in rainforest; its sole importance is as a flyway. (Source: descriptive)
Minik, 73 S, 239 E
One of the antarctic Averorn Islands, Minik, just south of Eyjan, is 200 km across (130 mi). Too low for glaciers, the uplands are cold steppes (not true tundra--no permafrost, since Lyr's had no recent Ice Age). The lowlands are like the bizarre, mossy, cold rainforests ("sleetforests"?) of Patagonian Chile or the Queen Charlotte Islands off BC--low, slow-growing, twisted, moss-bearded, dense, a lurid green, looking profoundly alien. They survive because the Averorn Islands are in a near-polar wet zone, a climate belt like nothing on Earth (see CLIMATE BELTS). (Source: The Merman's Children)
Miranda, 22 S, 278 E
A pear-shaped desert island 290 km (150 mi) long, southwest of Gaiila. Miranda's caught in a drybelt (high pressure zone) and is too low to harvest moisture from clouds; the low rolling land is treeless veldt. (Source: A Midsummer Tempest)
Mirzabad River, 11-12 S, 200-202 E
Largest river of western T'kela in the Diomedes Cluster. The Mirzabad flows from lakes under central Mt Kusulongo 800 km (500 mi) to Mirzabad Bay. The basin, warm but fairly dry, is savanna with only scattered groves; the Kusulongo Range casts a rainshadow. (Source: Trader to the Stars)
Mist Bay, 34-37 N, 18-23 E
A bay 5-600 km long and 200 wide (350 by 140 mi) at the eastern tip of Corona in the Ythri Cluster, between the Holm Peninsula and Cape Mistwood. As the name suggests, it's humid, warm and rainy. (Source: People of the Wind)
Mistherd I., 47 N, 222 E
Mistherd is a low, rolling patch of temperate broadleaf forest like a strip of pre-Columbian Virginia 250 km (150 mi) across, south of Carheddin in the Roland Group. (Source: The Queen of Air and Darkness)
Mistwood Range and Peninsula, 34-37 N, 18-23 E
The Mistwood range, in eastern Corona, is 2500 km long (1700 mi); its highest peaks reach 3700 m (12,200'). The Mistwoods rise from a plain, apart from the other ranges of Corona; their east end forms a peninsula about 1200 km (750 mi) long, Cape Mistwood. It's the southeastern tip of Corona; from its north shore runs the isthmus to Holm Peninsula. The land is warm and rainy, except the central uplands--a cooler even rainier cloud forest (hence the name) with alpine meadows above. (Source: People of the Wind)
Mochra, 2 N, 212 E
Second largest of the Driss Islands, east of Lannach (Diomedes region). Mochra is 280 km (170 mi) long, a rugged wedge of rainforested crags. The whole Driss chain rises sharply from deep water; were the range on land, it'd be spectacular, with scarps up to 2 km (6600') high. (Source: The Man Who Counts)
Modjo Basin, 37 S, 350 E
A warm-temperate rainforested basin 1000 km wide, in northern Besar (Flandry Cluster). The longest branch of the Modjo River is only 900 km (550 mi), but due to the incessand rains, the river has a huge flow. Mt Modjo, on the southeast edge of the basin near the foot of the Ranau Peninsula, is a near-twin of Fuji, two miles high. Modjo is named for a fruit growing only here. (Source: The Plague of Masters)
Monmouth Islands, 8 N, 245 E
A group of islands at the mouth (logically enough) of Mons Bay, in south Tyrlan (western Gaiila Cluster). The Monmouths are coral islets covered with monsoon forest. The largest is 60 km (40 mi) long; the group stretches 500 km (300 mi) across the bay's mouth. They link the Avelair Peninsula, Cape Rainart, and the northernmost Shua Islands, the only flyway in and out of Tyrlan. (Source: from Mons Bay (see))
Mons Bay, Mons River, 8-11 N, 245 E
A bay splitting southern Tyrlan (western Gaiila Cluster). 700 km long and 250 wide (450 by 150 mi), the bay divides the Avelair Peninsula from Cape Rainart. The Monmouth Islands link the two peninsulas, enclosing the bay. The Mons River runs 300 km (190 mi) from Mt Regnor south to the head of the bay.(Source: The Horn of Time the Hunter)
Montalir, 4-6 N, 124-127 E
The second largest of the Hisagazi Islands. Tropical, egg-shaped Montalir is 500 km (300 mi) across; heavy rains have eroded the original shield volcanoes into Oahu-like palisades and crags. The greenest of the Hisagazis. (Source: The Longest Voyage)
Moonhorn Mountain, 52 N, 203 E
the tallest mountain in Roland, and the second highest in the world, fully 5000 m (16,400') high. A broad glaciated shield volcano, Moonhorn forms its own peninsula larger than Kamchatka, sticking north from Roland into the Sunward Sea. The east slope is chill cloud-forest; the west, in a rainshadow cast by the peak, a cold, red, near-Martian desert, where glaciers grope down bare rock canyons toward the sea. (Source: The Queen of Air and Darkness)
Morgarel, 64 N, 168 E
Morgarel's a slender, cold, northern island 500 km long (300 mi) near Olga in the Roland Group, mostly bogs and boreal forest, thinning to steppe and tundra on the hills. (Source: The Queen of Air and Darkness)
Cape Moru, Moru Mts., 7 N, 31 E
A hot, rainforested peninsula 800 km (500 mi) long; the southern tip of Lokon. The central Moru Mts, rising to 3200 m (11,700'), form a wedge of cooler cloudforest above Lake Griffet, which drains north into Sairn Bay. (Source: The Sharing of Flesh)
Mukashyat R., 18 S, 134 E
Longest river on Ulash, in the Polesotechnic Strip, the Mukashyat drains an area the size of Java on the northern coast, from Mt Yildivan to Cape Kochihir, though none of its dozen major branches is over 400 km long (250 mi). (Source: The Master Key)
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