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Dreamed before 1979 by Gayle Delaney

I once had the distinct impression that, just after becoming lucid at the end of a dream, I found myself in the body of a good friend! It felt wonderful to experience what I thought was his state of mind, peaceful and happy in a way that was peculiarly his:

I am aware that John has just returned from an out-of-body experience, and has invited me into his body to see what it would be like. Inside, I am fascinated to learn that the way he experiences happiness is typical only of his personality. I am glad to see this from the inside. I am also fascinated at the experience of having such big lungs. As I participate in his breathing, I seem to have a sense of what it is like to have his muscular body instead of mine. Very interesting.

I then move out of his body and into mine via the top of my head. I am awake and feel that I have been since the moment when I entered John's body.

As I lay in my sleeping bag (we were on a camping trip with seven friends) I was dying to awaken John and ask him if he had just reentered his body and had some memory of my "visit." Before I could give in to my impulse, his daughter started to cry out for him.

John seemed uncharacteristically irritated at this abrupt awakening. After he had tended to his daughter, I asked him why. He told me he had just returned to his body after an extremely pleasant OBE. I asked him if he had noticed my presence, but he had not.

To my knowledge, this is an unusual OBE, and I present it here so that if you find yourself apparently in someone else's body, you will be less likely to panic and more likely to enjoy the experience.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed) p.271


Interesting dream in multiple ways--it's aparently lucid, out-of-body, cross-gender, AND not an internal simulation but a sleeping interaction between her and John, for her dream correctly sensed that he too had an out-of-body dream that night.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: lucid dreams - out-of-body experiences - I'm Just Not Myself Today - gender-bent dreams - body image - telepathic or shared dreams - ESP in general - more Gayle Delaney

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