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Music Saboteur

Dreamed c.1973 by Amy

We first detected a hidden villain behind the events of a dream in a student workshop when Amy described a dream about

getting a parcel of music from home but being continually thwarted in her efforts to find a piano on which to play it. When at last she found one, her music was missing, and when she retrieved it, the piano was occupied; and sitting down at the next piano, she discovered it was out of order. This vicious circle continued until Amy woke up crying with rage and frustration at being continually sabotaged in her attempts to play.
Amy told us that she had, in fact, received her music from home the previous day and was indeed looking forward to playing it. When we asked why she had written this frustrating dreamscript lor herself, she was at a loss to answer, for she could not resonate at all to the notion that she really didn't want to play. However, she accepted that at some level she must be in two minds about it, and so we asked her to talk to whoever carefully arranged that she should forget her music and that the piano should be occupied or out of order. A simplified version of the dialogue went something like this:
AMY: Why are you trying to stop me playing? I've really missed it since coming to college, and was so much looking forward to playing again.

SABOTEUR: You know very well you shouldn't be playing this music. It's a total escape into yourself when you know you should be out making friends and learning to socialize. I'm doing it for your own good. If you're going to live in the world, you've got to mix with people, talk to them, go out to them. If you don't learn now, you'll regret it later on. Believe me, I know what's best for you.

AMY: It's not an escape, Dad.

At this point both Amy and the group burst into laughter...

SOURCE: The Dream Game, Ann Faraday, Harper & Row, 1976 ed.; pp 204-5. Passage untitled; 'Music Saboteur' added to aid searches.

LISTS AND LINKS: frustration dreams - music - topdogs & underdogs - saboteurs - dads - nagging - college, socializing & lost opportunities - dreamwork - Ann Faraday

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