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Box of Dreams:
My Design for the Inside of the Dome

Dreamed 2009/5/1 by Jenny Badger Sultan


No one is paying attention to my design for the dome of a place like City Hall, so I decide to leave.

On the way out, I meet a woman who will actually be the one to make the choice and she seems very responsive to my design.

Acrylic painting of a dream by Jenny Badger Sultan: 'My Design for the Inside of the Dome'. Click to enlarge


Being quiet and leaving the contentious competitive process actually leads to success.

--Jenny Badger Sultan

Acrylic painting of a dream by Jenny Badger Sultan: 'My Design for the Inside of the Dome'. Detail: kangaroos Acrylic painting of a dream by Jenny Badger Sultan: 'My Design for the Inside of the Dome'. Detail: bear Acrylic painting of a dream by Jenny Badger Sultan: 'My Design for the Inside of the Dome'. Detail: people chasing... what?


Notice that Jenny's dream-design doesn't just adapt to the round inner face of the dome, it shows it symbolically as Planet Earth: it's a web of life with different local orientations for each "continent"--note the upside-down kangaroos. Though you can also see it as the inside of Jenny Badger's skull--full of people and creatures. The mind as a dome!

There are, I suspect, local references too, conscious or unconscious; the dense interweaving and the colorscheme resemble a real mural near City Hall (at Franklin and Fell on the back of the old Board of Education building)--a huge, cluttered, ill-designed monster of a mural, limping where Jenny's design flows. Hers really is better than most Civic Center art!

Jenny sees the dream's advice as "aggressive self-promotion isn't the way,"--quite reasonable for an introverted Jungian who does hate the competitive process. But I see a second message. The dream's echoes of real, epic, mediocre public art also hint "The competition's not stiff. I can do better than that." And proving it by doing it.

How about it, Mr. Mayor? City Hall could use some fresh paint.

LISTS AND LINKS: dreams at work - architectural dreams - competition - the art business - ambition - dream career advice - dream advice in general - creative process - Only in San Francisco! - another dream-design for City Hall: Deyuppifier (Caution: smutty even for San Francisco!) - or freeze City Hall: Too Much to Bear - or let Nicole Kidman play King Kong and peel off the City Hall Dome - Jungian dreams - balancing the personality: thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuition - dream paintings - round, nonsquare art - more Jenny Badger Sultan - her Box of Dreams

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