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Nic the Unicorn

Dreamed and painted in oil 2013 by Roger Martinez

I met Nic the uNICorn in the ballroom, near the elevator where he had just stepped out of. I was finding my way to the stairway. We were both spooked.

Nic asked me if I believed in mermaids and unicorns. I responded, “yes.”

I asked Nic if he believed in dreamers, after a brief pause, he responded, “yes I do.” He winked at me and we each went on our way.

Nic the Unicorn, a dream painting by Roger Martinez, 2013.

SOURCE: the IASD (International Association for the Study of Dreams) website's 2013 Psiber Art Gallery. There, Martinez titled the painting just Unicorn. On a site this big, with dozens of 'unicorn' titles, I thought Nic would index better.--Editor

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