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Dream sculpture, 20" long, papier-maché, 1997/11/19 to 1998/4/2, by Chris Wayan

Winged centaur-woman, or pegtauress, with black hair and tail, tan skin, dappled palomino coat, and blue wings. Side view of dream statue by Wayan; click to enlarge
This sculpture was partly based on a dream a few years earlier in which I was a ballerina in blue who learned to fly, once I left my regimented ballet class, and just leapt and flapped around on my own. That dream was trying to tell me something about my growth as a person, not just creative growth. There are phases where structures and rules and vital, to force you in certain directions--like ballet discipline. Ignore it and you may wreck your joints! But there are times those structures have a low ceiling that just keeps you down--and I was in one of those times.
Winged centaur-woman, or pegtauress, with black hair and tail, tan skin, dappled palomino coat, and blue wings. Front view of dream statue by Wayan; click to enlarge
The idea of sculpting a sexy flying dancer floated in my head for three years... But what finally provoked me to try it, and what gave my dancer such an equine turn, was a non-flying but joyous dream of a different dancer--a sort of centauress with four long human legs (and two vaginas!), dancing nude in the Coliseum in Rome. Her story too addressed liberation from convention and prejudice, from low ceilings--Perissa's people were a minority, seen as sensual but rather simple--animal. I've drawn and told that dream fully in Perissa's Reserved Seat.
Winged centaur-woman, or pegtauress, with black hair and tail, tan skin, dappled palomino coat, blue wings. Top view of dream statue by Wayan; click to enlarge.
That dream came just a few weeks before I began sculpting the Winged Pegtauress, yet I didn't really make the connection. I just wanted to sculpt a figure that expressed the sexiness that flight and freedom both have for me. The running and leaping of horses plus the bluebird of happiness... But unmistakable echoes of Perissa's dream crept in.
Winged centaur-woman, or pegtauress, with black hair and tail, tan skin, dappled palomino coat, and blue wings. Back view of dream statue by Wayan; click to enlarge
As she finally evolved, the winged Pegtauress ended up with wire and tinfoil bones, skin of acrylic, and muscles of a pre-mixed type of papier-mache. That turned out to be weak and pebbly, too rough for the sleek feeling I wanted. So a few years later I resurfaced her with Paperclay (a much finer-grained claylike papier-maché) and repainted.

Despite the design- and materials-flaws, I love this piece--cartoon face or not, she captures how sexy and joyful dreams are at their best.

LISTS AND LINKS: 2 source-dreams for this sculpture: Fly Dancer Blue & Perissa's Reserved Seat - centaurs - pegasii - flying - sexy creatures - sculpture

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