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Two Witches

Dreamed 2013? & comic (acrylic, colored pencil, digital color) 2013/9/8 by Melissa McClanahan


In some dreams, I experience what I call “Dream Logic”. Dream Logic is when I know certain facts of the dream to be true without ever being told or experiencing those facts. In the dream of the Two Witches, I saw a young woman and an old woman riding on a hideous two-headed beast. I knew somehow that these two women were witches. I also knew that their flying monster was one that they had created with their magic out of normal mountain trolls. The third Dream Logic fact was that these two witches were actually the same person. One in the very beginnings of adulthood – and the other a wise old crone. They were one person, and the single witch was a powerful sorceress, or a goddess.

In this comic-form I added text to accompany the images to inform the dream-logic.

Two Witches, a painted 2013 comic of a dream by Melissa McClanahan

SOURCE: the IASD (International Association for the Study of Dreams) website's 2013 Psiber Art Gallery.

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