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Unicorn Timeforks

Dreamed 2019/5/25 by Wayan

Unicorn mare forces two timeforks split in 2016 to re-merge in 2020. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

A jerk studies sorcery. Somehow he acquires the power to summon and compel a unicorn to be his magical slave. She's pony-sized, with an intelligent aura, but I suspect she's a person, not just a magical creature. But I can't be sure at first--she refuses to talk, until, near the dream's climax, I meet her when her Wizardly Master's not around.

He makes his magical slave create time-forks that he knows will re-merge four years later, phenomenologically indistinguishable, and thus, to observers, the same stream--just with debatable events in its past. But he'll get to pick the route to the shared present that he likes best--with hidden advantages for him. A time-profiteer!

It half works. The forks do appear, he can choose... but one of the four-year forks has complications. It lasts SIX years before coming round to conditions roughly matching the other fork. That can't work; people will notice the date discrepancy. And at four years, events just don't match; it can't fuse.

So the mare does... something more. Two years into that six-year path, she wills another fork! And another a year later, and another six months later... an infinite sequence of changes with a firm, finite deadline at the four-year mark. Zeno's Paradox!

Each split causes a jolt you can feel--these are her nudges, not natural forks in history. She's jabbing time in the butt! When poked by a unicorn, time can't help but jump--but time resents it.

The tremors come closer and closer, just seconds apart now, till time feels rhythmic, then throbby, then grinding, then a roaring temporal sideways CRASH as a million forks fray into a frizz and slam into the other, simpler, four-year path. Timecrash! A long scary minute as they tangle and... coalesce into a single timeline. Stable.

More or less.

Strange to FEEL yourself go through a singularity. Sure not the quiet, slick re-merging that idiot planned--but it would've failed anyway. Two-year discrepancy!

The mare's creative sabotage does re-knit time--each branch four years long, reconcilable--but it was a rough ride to get here! And neither new branch is what the man really wanted.

Well, that's what he gets for treating a unicorn like a slave.

I want to interview that mare in depth. Resourceful! But the guy--trying, I think, to keep us from comparing magical notes (or falling in love, or... who knows?)--orders her out across town on a mission. She's compelled to go. I follow, determined to ask questions--though still unsure the she CAN talk.

At the very end of the dream--subjective hours after the first fork--I catch up. And get answers! She's open enough--once her captor's not around. "I don't talk to people who treat me like a thing." She describes how she came up with such a strange solution--"Once he forced me to make a path that wouldn't reunite on its own, I felt obliged to clean up the mess--and a single poke wouldn't heal it. I got a bit drastic! I'm just glad the timequake wasn't worse. But I think it's healing okay."

The folklore was naïve. Yeah, unicorns heal; but not just flesh.


Unicorn mare who creates timeforks. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

This dream brought to you by the Unicorn Temporal Stabilization Board

LISTS AND LINKS: magic - dream beings - animal people - unicorns - guardians - duty & responsibility - freedom & slavery - time-travel, the future, alternate worlds & probability sheaves - cleanup! - arrows - speed - earthquakes, floods etc. (mostly not caused by unicorns) - TV - My Little Pony - politics - predictive dreams

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