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Living Dolls

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This list is a subset of dream sculpture. It lists dreams of statues, dolls, puppets, life-casts, fossils, bas-reliefs, parade balloons, inflatable sex dolls, Pixar characters, whatever--who are, inexplicably, alive. The classic example is the myth of Pygmalion, but the variants are endless.

RELATED TOPICS: dream sculpture generally - paintings - watercolor and silk-dyeing - pencil and charcoal - pure digital art - ink - felt pen and colored inks - comics - posters and picture-poems - art and artists - creative process - models, studies and studio art - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

AICORN'S BANANA: by Wayan; 2016/6/13, a dream-parable on owning your tastes
An artificial intelligence acquires fans and has orgies with her groupies. Her creators
don't care as long as the advertisers get product placement. But she has this size fetish...
ALP VARK: by Wayan; 1983/11/24-25, an epic comic psychic dream.
I'm kissed by the Holy Aardvark, but my bond with my dad is strained by ESP he can't accept...
BEET: Five Dreams One Night: by Wayan; 2013/10/30, Halloween dreams as minipoems
Parasites, Rambo, huge fetus-beets, an exhibitionist and a living statue advise me on my love life...
BLUNDERING LINDA: by Wayan; 1987/7/12, a namedropping predictive sex dream
I'm in bed with a witch and a piano who's come alive and wants to try sex with us. But I worry a stranger named
Linda will break in. I wake, write the dream--and a stranger breaks into our house seeking her son! Her name's...
BURNING HOUSE: by Graciela Iturbide, 2006 or before; a Pygmalion dream
My home was burning; I despaired. All my negatives would be lost. But
some figures arose from their photos and walked out of the fire...
CARYATID SWEET, GUIDE SOUR: by Wayan, 1999/9/2, a dream about that crazy conscious.
My guide in India says the Third World's doomed, but a stone dancer in the ruins winks behind his back...
THE CAT: by David B.; 1991/9/24, an eerie sculpture come alive
In the woods outside a modern art museum, I'm being stalked by Giacometti's huge skeletal cat...
THE CENDANCERS: by Wayan; 2011-16, a 32-figure sculpture project with 250+ pics
A wild troupe of sexy, surreal, centaurlike dancers mostly built from Barbie dolls...
CENTAUR AUDITION: by Wayan; 2012/1/7 and 2012/1/30, two linked Pygmalion dreams
Non-dream centaur ballerinas invade my dreams, because they long to be in the World Dream Bank...
CHOCOLATE BALLS: by Wayan, 2022/5/10, a surreal furry dream on Covid bloat
I find I'm a self-made... critter. A plushie sewn with zippers so I can stuff any bits of me that
seem flat or limp. But my filling's not cotton, polyester or foam. It's chocolate! So I have...
CLEO'S REVENGE: by Wayan, 2017/1/7, a sculpture of a dream warning "Don't hide sexual attraction"
I meet Cleo from Monster High. I like her. Why, that's pedophilia! (Huh? She's AGES old.)
Once I hide my Cleophilia, ALL sexual feelings vanish! "I'm sickly & sexless." Oh. The Mummy's Curse!
COFFINS: by Beryl and Wayan; 1983/11/5, dark parallel/shared/telepathic dreams
Twin dreams of ghoulish games backstage at a theater.
And they anticipated real long-term ghoulishness...
DANCING ROBBANE: by Emily Joy; 2007/8/1, sculpture of a dream sculpture.
The clay came alive, shaped itself, started dancing...and mutating.
DOGGIE IN THE WINDOW: by Wayan; 2020/1/2, an embarrassing dream poem
The guest room has a giant plush doggie. Next thing I know, I'm humping her
doggie style, on the windowsill where the girl driving the backhoe can see...
DRUGGED, SHRUNK AND DAUBED: by Wayan; 2008/11/1, a dream-poem (Dreamverse #38)
I'm worried an alien charity is brainwashing an ex-prostitute. When I wake, she's still there--at 2/5 scale!...
EASTER HEALING: by "Clairity"; 2008/03/23, a joyful lucid dream
I will a clay cat to come to life, then start healing real cats and dogs and...
THE EGYPTIAN EXHIBIT: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a psychedelic Pygmalion dream
I panic as statues come alive at the museum, but they're all about energizing a mystical pyramid...
ENTER, NERO!: by Emperor Nero; c. 58 CE, a series of guilty surreal nightmares.
After murdering his mother, Nero dreams he's losing control: ships drift, statues chase him, and his own tomb says...
FOAM, FURS, DREAMS: by Wayan; 2012-16, a blog on sewing giant dream plushies; 43 dreams!
My dreams urge me to build furry dream creatures with joints,
muscles & bones, then to heal myself by mating with them...
THE FOREST BRIDE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 1994/7/23 & 1994/12/10; opposing solstice dreams
In the midsummer dream, I'm at a wedding in the Russian forest;
in winter, I dream I hold an emaciated girl as she breathes her last...
FOX-MOTHER: by Wayan; 2008/8/12, a dream poem; Dreamverse #2.
The goddess of the Cult of Clutter catches a little thief, and tastes her to see if she’s worthy...
THE GODDESS OF WYRE: by Edwin Muir; 1925, a dream of soul-rebirth
After 25 years I land on my native island of Wyre, to touch an ancient clay figurine, who grows young and wakes...
HEAD ON MY TABLE: by Lauren Watley; 2011/2/16, a creepy dream-image with depth
After a day of troubling conflicts over race & art, I dream I'm handed a hot, heavy, mossy head--is it art, or alive?
HELP, NOT CURE: by Wayan; 1996/12/26, a dream on autism.
Gay angels try to help an autistic woman. Change her past? Only if they pass the Ass-Backward Guardians!
IRENE'S DREAM: parallel (linked?) dreams by "Irene May" and Jack Kerouac, c. Aug 9 1953
IRENE tries to mold Francesca like clay to bring her back to life, and does--for a moment...
JACK finds his brother Gerard dead, and all Jack's words can't revive him...
KAKALEA: by Wayan; 2012/7/23 to early 2017; a good world on a bad hair day
We search for exoplanets whose stats are Earthlike. But mass, chemistry, warmth and air do not a biosphere make!
Geography alone--the mere placement of lands and seas--can also make a world lush or barren...
MUPPET WITNESS: by Bill Tjaden, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; an absurd dream
I work in a witness protection program. We hide the Muppet on the bottom
of an empty swimming pool, hand him a long straw, and fill it with...
NORASINGH: by Wayan; 1987/1/15, a Tantric Frankenstein dream.
I fall in love with my sculpture of a mythical Southeast Asian creature. Then a mad yogi breaks in...
NOUVELLE BARBIE BODS: by Patagia, 2012/12/22, a playful poem on a dream-diorama
I visited my friend Chris Wayan's workshop and found him building
a dance troupe of joyfully obscene centaurs out of Barbie dolls...
OWL TAVERN: by Dan O'Neill; before 1994/11/2, a dream-comic
I stumble into a bar where the TV stars from my childhood are
drunkenly arguing metaphysics--Howdy Doody, Beany & Cecil, Flipper...
PESCADERO MONET: by Wayan; 1983/11/4, a happy art-cult dream.
Monet is over 100 now, living in an art colony. I visit him, but my parents come along. Bad idea...
PHOTOS LURE SOULS: by Wayan; 2016/3/12, dream of summoning spirits
I'm photographing lifesize furry statues. How explicit, how sexy? If I get shots they like,
souls will be lured to enter their bodies and bring them alive...
PLUSH BEAR: by Wayan; 1994/8/3, a grotesque dream poem.
Two mimes terrorize our art class in a stretchable bear-suit. Well, we HOPE it's just a suit...
POKEY?: by Wayan; 1993/4/15, a dreamtale on my soul.
My lover's turned into a tiny living pull-toy, trapped ankle-deep in a wheeled platform. Can I free her?
RABBIT-EARED DOE: by Wayan; dreamed 2008/4/29, a dream of statues come passionately to life
A hunter catches a Rabbit-Eared Doe by her yard-long ears, pulls on them like reins, and mates with her!
She doesn't object; maybe ear-pulling's normal for her. Should I intervene? I can't tell if this is love or rape!
REBELLION: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream on dreamwork?
I was trapped in a Handmaid's Tale dystopia; I was a mannequin, naked &
helpless. I couldn't even walk. But I hid one rebellious act: I kept a diary...
SAINT BARBIE: by Wayan; 2016/6/19, a dream of a meme we need
After a living Barbie doll dies while campaigning for niceness, I find myself invoking her
to shock people into decent behavior: "In the Name of Saint Barbie!"...
SELF-MADE COW: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a surreal psychic dream.
I'm in Santa Cruz with my friend, a shocking-pink stuffed toy cow
with sewed-on accessories: big red lips, a floral wig, and a third eye. I wake,
draw the dreamcow--and my sister calls from Santa Cruz to sing me a song about...
THE SHADOW OF LIBERTY: by Wayan; 1989/7/8, a comic nightmare, possibly telepathic.
My sisters get bored with the game of power, so I watch TV--
until it melts, and a terrifying giant rises to chases me...
SIBERIAN TIGER VERSUS MUPPETS: by Chris Wayan 2020/12/9; a what-if dream
I wake in a strange frozen bedroom. Oh. My bed is Siberia! That means
there are tigers. Clearly the way to defend myself is with giant stuffed toys...
SILKY AT THE GATE: by Wayan; 2016/2/26, dream of a statue come alive
My girlfriend, a lifesize doll in the shape of a feline centaur, gradually
comes alive, walking around on her own and flirting with me...
SIX DREAMS: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a very busy night!
1: A flooded bathroom becomes 2: a glass water-piano; 3: my friend strips in a restaurant, so
4: they serve me gutted dog. 5: Dolls teach prostitution, as 6: a rhino rubs up to an elephant-bear...
TEN CLARKS AND LOISES: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, an epic dream on... poseurs?
Hand-puppets, a devil and a witch, have sex, and implant a lunar ghost embryo
into Lois Lane; now Lois & Clarkes, ten clones each, pretend to be puppets...
THE THING ABOUT DREAMS: by Julia Wertz, a dream autobiography, 1980-2010
As a kid, my nightmares were of Sesame Street characters. In my teens I graduated to
slasher nightmares and recurring lucid dreams. Alcohol trashed my dreams for years, but
now they're not nightmares--just surreal. Hitler wrecks my sex life! What a spoilsport...
A VASE OF FUR: by Wayan; 1998/11/18, a dream of a surreal future.
A woman goes on a quest with an alien friend, and returns with only a furry musical vase:
her friend! And from how the vase purrs, I'm not so sure if she wants to be changed back.
WHERE IS MY MOTHER?: by Kelly Simon; 1992?; an epic time-traveling dream of roots
I'm nine years old again. But my mom acts like a child--crawls into a hole. I follow, scared,
and find my grandfather packing to leave the Old Country before the Nazis kill us all...
WHODUNIT? AND WHAT DID THEY DO?: by Derek Gullino, late 70s? Five nightmares, five years old
1: Dad picks up Bigfoot; he bites off my ear. 2: Dad abandons me in a canyon full of wolves. 3: The man who
killed my family hands me his ax. 4: Bees move into my pillow. 5: A marionette with razor-nails lures me close...
ZEMMYO: by Myoe Shonin; c.1221/4/20, a spiritual Pygmalion dream.
A doll sent from China breaks into tears over her exile here in Japan. I reassure her and she becomes real...

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