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Autism's Edge

Dreamed 2023/5/16 by Wayan

A brilliant autistic woman is studying alternate models of the cosmos, like MOND, a theory in favor of tweaking our theory of gravity slightly in low-curvature regions so we don't have to invoke dark matter or dark energy, or at least not both. After all, the mainstream theory believes in ghosts--indetectable stuff massing twenty times the visible universe. That's a lot to swallow without evidence! A brain, sailing. Dream sketch by Wayan.

I mildly favor MOND myself; just seems more likely that our theory of gravity's too simple--after all, our Theory of Everything else sure is.

She tells me "I see autism and giftedness as linked--everyday concerns can strangle a neurotypical's ability to picture anything truly unusual. Even brilliant ones can be distracted or hampered--most of their brainpower is hardwired by evolution to monitor their social standing and conformity to tribal norms. They always have one eye on the phone... or the mirror.

"We autistics look narrow to them, but autism lets us ignore social cues that can enforce the current picture, justifiably or not. We're not always motivated to try, but at our best we CAN at least use our whole brain."

Quite a reassuring pep talk! And I need it. Earlier today, a friend told me my autistic bluntness hurt his feelings. So I should find her talk consoling; she's saying our social blindness gives us compensatory strengths.

But I just feel glum. Why? Oh. Looked at aslant, she's saying human civilization (which is, wisely or not, neurotypical-dominated) is tragically narrow; even geniuses operate half-distracted by monkey concerns--tribalism, conformity, reputation, ambition.

And are autistics really immune? Even a recluse like me, with no fear I'll offend a boss (worked hard to ensure I have none!) or spoil my reputation (worked hard to ensure I have none!) may unconsciously trim my sails to fit the winds of public opinion.

"Sail on, O ship of fools!" I think... and wake.

LISTS AND LINKS: cosmology - autism & braaaaaains - individualism vs conformity - hierarchy & pecking order - ambition - courage - digital dream art

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