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Dino Rodeo

Dreamed 2022/2/17 by Wayan

A rodeo in a big oval stadium. A rodeo in trouble. At least two men down, gored or kicked by a bull. A local cop rushes out there to distract the bull. The two men roll toward the edge; either can't stand or don't dare to. Strange: both are wrapped in sheets, as if already dead.

More cattle at the far end head over, curious. We're vulnerable; the wall of the arena is broken and soon just fades away. Mountain goats and bighorn sheep wander over, too. One rams part of the surviving fence, then looks at me speculatively. I hiss and raise hands and make claw shapes, hoping he'll read me as a predator. He hesitates... but what about those pterosaurs and velociraptors and the man-size birds sweeping up the oval?

I decide I'll have to risk a tactic I'm unsure of. Flap hard, sculling with my hands, catch the air on both strokes, fore and back. It works--slowly I rise and hover. Not high, not fast, but flying.

Dream sketch by Wayan.
Now the bulls, bighorns and velociraptors can't reach me. The birds and pterosaurs still could, but they circle, uneasy, keeping their distance. I can sense their shock--a wingless flier! Unnatural. To be feared.

So far, so good. But how long can I sustain it? Flight is exhausting!

But exciting too. Since everyone--humans, bighorns, birds, pterosaurs, even me--just knew I couldn't fly at all.


LISTS AND LINKS: sports & games - mountain goats & sheep - flying - assertion & willpower - weird dream beings - dinosaurs & pterosaurs - You Are Lunch - self-defense - pencil dream-art - more "fake it till you make it" dreams: In the Mermaid's Dressing Room - Fake It, or, One Dream Deserves Another

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