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Dreamed 1988/11/5 by Wayan

Nuclear war did one nice thing--it brought down the Thorny Curtain at last! The biggest hedge in the world, around a farm near Gilroy that hasn't been seen for decades. Once feared and mysterious, but now locals hang ads on it; age plus recent fallout have worn it so thin you can squeeze through and explore. I try to figure out its structure. An outer square, an inner... then wood and wire fences around the outbuildings. Slowly I work in toward the farm all these defenses hid for years... I peer at girl & in a cliff niche; thornhedge and mushroom cloud in background. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I feared the farm family would be wary of outsiders, but they seem curious, especially the two eldest girls, in their teens. One's pale blonde, one dark brunette, but both have the distinctive family chin, narrow delicate foxy, and small full lips; especially the brunette. Both stunningly sexy.

We play Frisbee. I feel excited playing with them. Accepted. I leap for one catch and try to hover, practicing my levitation skills...

I want to ask one sister for a date, but still feel shy.

A TV news crew says "The hedge has been condemned; half-fallen, useless as a fence, and a fire hazard. It's being pulled down." Hmm, no more hedging! Okay by me.

But in the background, low-grade nuclear war goes on. Little newsbreaks on tactical nuke-detonations. Simplified maps with tiny mushroom clouds, cutesifying war. It's how they keep the apocalypse acceptable.

The king of this postnuke farmland urges us to fight. A slick white man, photogenic in his elegant suit. Is that Dan Quayle? Whoever it is, he's smug and I don't trust him.

The farm family and I resist the king and his goons. We fight a long while in colorful, overgrown farm ruins. We turn into furry little animals and back to human, as we hide and attack and hide again.

At one point I meet the brunette daughter hiding in her true form up a wall, in a nook of the molding. Like a leopard in a tree. She's curled up naked. Her sister leans on her, in fox form. Feel a surge of desire for her. I still expect her to reject me... but she's warm toward me. I don't have to hide my desire, any more! No more hedging...

We still must stop this warmonger king... but now at least we're not fighting alone.



A friend takes me to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. I'm stunned by a local artist, Susan Marie Dopp. She has Old Master skills, but not Old Master subjects. She paints dreams! But not, so far as I know, hers. Mine. One painting shows the two girls in my dream with Egyptian fox-faces, lounging nude on Rousseau's maroon sofa.

Two fox- or jackal-headed girls on a maroon couch. Painting by Susan Marie Dopp as misremembered by Chris Wayan. Click to enlarge.
And an epic, multipanel painting shows a farm full of animal people (whale, deer, cat), plus Dopp's child self playing the death card in Tarot, and her adult self as Diana the Archer (sexy). Even, on the horizon, a mushroom cloud.
Animal people on a farm with mushroom cloud on horizon. Surreal painting by Susan Marie Dopp as misremembered by Chris Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Illustrations above are from memory, my journal notes and tiny sketches. The Web has Dopp's later abstracts, but almost none of her early surrealism, so I lack photo refs. The multipanel piece had these general motifs and this layout; but details will be way off. Best I can do. Sorry!


I find it curious that my dream was set in the future, and the next day its imagery turns out to be predictive. I now call such dreams self-flagging--dreams saying they're literal not symbolic (or symbolic not literal); dreams mentioning lucidity that prompt you to go lucid; dreams mentioning ESP that turn out to contain apparent ESP. What the dream labels itself can be wild or quite mundane; you can reject ESP and accept self-flagging. The real challenge is that such dreams imply more awareness and intent in the dream-composer than most sleep specialists seem happy with. Yet... there they are.

DREAM: the future - apocalypse - nukes - clouds - farms - siblings - nudity - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - dream beings - animal people - shapeshifters - foxes - politics - war - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species-bent dreams - climbing - leopards - dating - love
DOPP SHOW: museums - art - apocalypses, nukes, clouds, farms, nudity, sibs, furs, babes, hunks & sexy critters again! - deer & cats - Rousseau's red sofa - paint
GENERAL: self-flagging & predictive dreams - ESP in general - pencil & digital dream art - being Dan Quayle, in It's a Dead Man's Party - the Hedge returns: Hedge King

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