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Flying is Tasteless

Dreamed 1985/12/11 by Miriel, as told to Wayan

I learned to fly. But my
so-called friends say: "Stay
grounded. Tasteless, this
showoff flying!" Lying.


Miriel's a pen name for my one of my sisters. I know those "friends" she dreamed of. They really were snobs, at least to me. So I think Miriel's dream is right about their effect on her, too.

But flight and those who'd hold her down was a recurrent theme in Miriel's dreams that year, as the the links below prove.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: flying - friends - advice - nagging & criticism - Gestalt topdogs & underdogs - truth & lies - dream poems - Miriel & her flight-dreams: Falcon and Führer, Bird-man Teaches "No!"

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