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History Demands Purple

Dreamed 2020/2/18 by Wayan


I watch Disney's Alice through the Looking Glass. Sigh! It's barely even based on Lewis Carroll. Looks, 10; story, 3. Alice is a sea-captain who steals a time-orb to save the Mad Hatter's family, then goes further back to prevent the Queen of Hearts from banging her head and making her lovably ditzy. We learn family matters, you gotta forgive, and you can't change the past, just reconcile with it. Disney-wholesome.

But as a viewer I'm not wholesome. I find the childhood version of the White Queen hot, certainly sexier than Ann Hathaway as teen Alice, and she's the only other one who's even slightly attractive or even interesting. Johnny Depp tries but he's wasted. Weak script.

It's not like Disney won't play the sexy card when they choose. Their version of Rapunzel frustrated out of her mind was kinda hot, and the sisters in Frozen, and forties bad-girl Tink... In a palace, I spin purple thread from my fingers onto a girl. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


There's a grand room in a fairytale palace where, long ago, a young princess was once dressed in a purple gown for a powerful ritual--investiture?--that changed history. That act imprinted on space-time so firmly that even now, generations later, if a girl around her age enters the ancient hall... anyone she meets acquires an overwhelming compulsion to dress her up in royal purple!

It's happening now to me--I'm being pushed to dress a modern kid in purple. More than pushed--enabled! The magic gives me a weird dressing-power. I can create violet silk, thread by thread, under my bare hand on her belly, out of my fingers, like I'm a spider wrapping a fly in... royalty? responsibility?

I find that a bit creepy. She seems more baffled by the spell--not delighted, not angry, just... whaaat?

I like this girl as she is, sneakers, T-shirt and all. I don't want to serve this spell--don't want to turn her into a Disney princess!


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