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Joe Cool in Financial Hell

Dreamed 2009/6/15 by Wayan; Dreamverse #46


Our house is going solar. We're voting on the bids this week, so I email all the solar firms reminding them to send bids now or never...

Instant messages pop up. My ex-girlfriend Cheryl! Message after message. Obsessive. I feel stalked and don't read them, turn off the instant message option. I didn't realize the default allowed people to interrupt you like this.

Feeling shaky, I drive down to the San Mateo Highlands to pick up my sister Althea and take her to the airport. On the way, as I right turn at a stopsign, a cop tickets me for not stopping fully. The first moving violation I've had in a decade at least. Rattles me more.

Althea and I have lunch at Shiso Restaurant. She flew down to attend her daughter's graduation. Althea says "She was distant for years; I think she blamed me for dragging her away from family and friends, leaving our small town after my husband dumped me for another woman." As his wife, Althea had a stake in the family ranch, but he gave her child support only, and his family backed him up. Althea felt they quietly drove her out of town. I hadn't realized that her current poverty is partly from her deep reluctance to fight for her rights. And she worries she's doing it again in a lesser way. Loves her current husband, but he slips into debt a few thousand a year... is she liable?

I too will do anything to avoid a fight. Siblings are such embarrassingly revealing mirrors!


That ranter's drawn a listening ring--
turtlehead economist, he builds a slow
case in dismal jargon til he's clamoring
"War caused America's crash." Quite so,
but hardly news! Why natter and detail
in polysyllables each sector's woe
when six-bit words explain our epic fail
no better than that laconic song
Malvina wrote some forty years ago:
"The rich feed off the breast of war;
grow fat, as all the rest goes wrong
for all the rest of us." What more?
Our pundit plays scenes from Anemia,
that Harry Potter knockoff film.
In it, Hogwarts is a high school in
a Muggle district gone bankrupt. And
the monsters who chase our heroes three
from bus stop to dead-in-the-water school
are budget-busting creditors who drool
to squeeze blood from the students (ouch)
since Hogwarts turned so turnip. Though
"Something will always turnip!" Our heroes slip
into a stone gash. Cathedral-caverns echo ahead.
But the only path in is a rickety ledge
Pencil and acrylic sketch of a dream by Wayan: Harry Potter, Hermione Grainger and Ron Weasley on a ledge in a cave of fire
past pits of magma hell! A deadly red
financial meltdown. Ahead, one reckless kid
falls in. Are clone-Harry, Hermione, and Ron
financially balancéd enough? Looks bad...

But here comes Cool Guy in shiny shades,
on his blazoned skateboard. A Guy he is, for
Cool Girls can't (as Hollywood is sure)
balance skateboards, budgets, lives--
too busy with their navel rings
and planning to be wives.

Through the pit Cool dives! Skates the red pool
of fire immune. Our ledge-trapped three
leap to him and cling, train-trailing weightlessly.

Oh. It's Biblical too--as Ronald Reagan knew.
We need financial hell to hound our tired poor.

But being Hollywood-mirror-cool
Teflons red financial heat!
No scandal sticks to the sunshade boys.
Now ain't that neat?

Pencil and acrylic sketch of a dream by Wayan: Joe Cool, a grinning guy in sunglasses, skateboards on lava in a cave of fire
Pencil and acrylic sketch of a dream face by Wayan: Joe Cool, a grinning skateboarder in sunglasses

LISTS AND LINKS: dreams of & by Althea - divorces - economics - politics - movie dreams - money & financial advice in dreams - caves & the underworld - tricksters & skateboarders - hot & cold - volcanoes & lava - puns & dream humor in general - class, riches & poverty - Presidential dreams - Harry Potter & Tolkien dreams - poetry - the Dreamverse project - the next Dreamverse: Galley Slave

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