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Odessa Steps

Dreamed 2022/3/18 by Wayan


The Russian invasion of Ukraine has stalled. Can't take the cities, so now they're bombing civilians. The West sends anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, but will that stop missiles? Will this end in a world war?

THAT NIGHT... Circus girls dressed as a butterfly and a dragon hold up beachball-size pearls. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

A paparazzo is stalking me. His last victim, a friend of mine, described how he slowly wrecked her life. She was never able to get legal help in stopping him--he's a pro, careful to stay just within the law wherever cops are watching; but when unwatched, he'll trespass, stalk... invade.

Not in my house! I start planning to buy a gun.

I agreed to meet friends in a diner's parking lot. But the stalker appears. Stay inside my car, windows up. My friends appear, but they include the stalker's last victim; she warns them soon as she spots him, and they too stay inside; we can't meet here.

I start my car and try to leave; friends follow. The lot is crowded, a struggle to leave. I carefully back out along the edge.

The street's jammed too--the tail end of a festival. Circus acts! A small stage, a Ferris wheel. Stiltwalkers roam. Two sexy trapeze girls in sequined swimsuits, one plus butterfly wings and feelers, one plus dragon spines and tail, each hold up a pearl big as a beachball, as if it's Chinese New Year.

I long to go play, and learn what those pearls are for... but not now, with our stalker...

We can't get through here. Too busy. So instead, I head for my house on a tiny back alley, barely a yard wide. The car, now full of ALL my friends, shrinks to a stroller. My friends object--"It's too narrow, bound to be trouble." But the stroller just fits, and it's as fast as a major street: no traffic, no stops, and a straight run toward home. No sign of the stalker here either.

I push along with musclepower alone. A steep hill ahead, but I push myself, and get enough of a run-on to top it.

Down the far side, then another block-long climb--but I'm roaring along in a downhill sprint and it carries me right up. Down again at a run...

The hills of the near future. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
The third hill's higher--I run out of momentum halfway up--but I slog to the top.

Uh-oh. The far side's so steep it breaks into steps. Bounce the baby buggy down... jarring but unavoidable.

"Ow! Ow! OW!" yell my friends in the stroller. Eggs in a basket...

Still, the shocks are never fatal, and I keep control of the carriage.

Why does this feel so familiar? I bounce a stroller down a steep stair. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

At the foot of the stair is a street that offers smooth sailing all the way home.

My ex-car stroller transforms again, into a bike. I can get us there by putting my friends in the bike basket. They may not want to ride with me--I know those steps felt rough.

But the Painful Steps had to be taken.


LISTS AND LINKS: hunted! - cars - frustration - circuses - hot babes, hot hunks, hot monsters! - friends - size changes - stroller dreams: Baby Hitler's Pram, Jack Daniels & Migrate Through Fire - ascent & descent - speed - ouch! - Only in San Francisco - dream humor - shamanic & predictive dreams - films - politics & war - pencil dream art

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