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Portals of the Past

Dreamed 2021/2/6 by Wayan

1: Time-Cave Guides
Portal of the Past in Golden Gate Park; 1912 postcard. Click to enlarge.

1912 postcard; portals salvaged from 1906 quake

I find myself in a fantasy novel by Patricia McKillip. I start out spelunking--which I haven't done seriously in years--in a cavern at the foot of a small volcano; the cave is rumored to be a spacetime portal. The place is no big secret; the entrance is a literal portal--in fact a Victorian portico--porch, steps, neoclassical pillars.

Yet I find a strange organization is using the caverns as its Secret Headquarters--a la Batman.

And then the dream resets and repeats! Only... each spelunking expedition finds a different organization. And they didn't take over from the previous bunch; it's always been theirs. Alternate histories!

Even the cave's details vary; always there, always big and complex, but slightly different seepage led to different chambers, flowstone curtains, stalagmites. Subtly alternate worlds.

There's just one constant: cave-guides! Kids from a big family of child prodigies. Siblings as young as four! They monitor the Secret Organization and their Plans of Conquest. I admire the kids' courage and brains, and I hope to meet some of their big sisters. If the rest of their tribe is anything like these little ones...

Child prodigies are my cavern guides. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

2: Bamboo Thug

Now for a change the caverns have not a secret lair but a big mall. Fountains and cafes much like Japantown in San Francisco--just add stalagmites. Here, the Organization isn't secret at all; it's a school teaching how to navigate such alternate-world dreams. For an underworld organization literally set in the underworld, it's pleasant enough.

Until I stumble on a young man beating a boy with a 2-meter bamboo pole. Sloppily. Misses him, hits ME. OW! Hit hard. I'll have big bruises.

Angry, I grab the end so he can't whack either of us again. Wait for him to apologize for clobbering a stranger and maybe try to explain why he's beating both of us...

Not a word! Just tries to jerk his weapon free. I hang on. The guy tries to fight me! While I distract him, the kid runs off. Guy hits me hard with a stick. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I twist him round, get him in a chokehold using the pole. Don't cut off his air, but hold him tight from behind. He fights on!

I growl "I won't let you go till you swear not to hit..." Trail off as I realize I'm not sure who-all he hits or why. Decide to leave it open ended. No matter; he won't swear.

So I hang on and demand explicity "Swear not to hit ANYONE." Too broad? Tough! I'm out of patience with him.

Takes him forever to realize I mean it, and swear.

I let him go. Walk round the upper floor of the complex with him, as he vents uncontrollably, trying to justify his rage. Okay, he has faced a cycle of violence--they believe in corporal punishment here. Once a teacher even broke his arm and never faced any punishment--never even apologized. So now this guy beats his apprentice, hits strangers in passing... and spouts excuses.

Oh, and he plans to cheat on his exams! Turns out this shamanic complex is dominated by Catholics. He's in their training program, yet "their beliefs are stupid and I don't know them and I don't want to."

I'm a pagan, but even I know basic Catholic terms & doctrine. How can he not, with them all around us here? Why cheat? The test isn't hard and you only have to know their tenets, not believe them.

What's with this clown?

3: The Old Time-Traveler's Flat

Still in the caverns. I'm on a roof by a skylight (yes, I know, no sky to light it. I didn't add it on.) By it, half on it, a big long-haired cat sleeps. Wait... I know this cat. It was the very first cat the Dragonfly People ever saw! I've read their account, as their Intrepid Explorer approached the strange and fearsome beast, and petted it.

And lo, it purred.

There's also a furry elephant small as a dog, bristling with long pins stuck in it like a voodoo doll. Pink pins. The Explorer--now present--pets it too. Doesn't hurt his hand--all the pointy ends face in, not out. So... won't they hurt the miniphant? Apparently not. It likes being petted. Too.

And lo, it purred.

Time-traveler's flat: big cat, miniphant, Victrola. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Down a narrow stair. The skylight illuminates the apartment of an ancient, fragile time-traveler and his middle-aged attendant. The furniture's circa 1900, the phonograph a twenties Victrola, the records vinyl LPs from the sixties, and the bed & med tech, ultramodern--indeed, probably from my future. For the Time Traveler, my era's not special--not the "real" present. Now is not a time--now is a nomad, always by your side. Same as a rainbow.

4: Cretacious or Victorian? Feathered dinosaur girl. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I respelunk--what a great word!--and find a third alternate world--new flowstone, new occupants. The cave never seems to run out of alternatives. I see no pattern to what we find; we never get the same one twice.

But up till today, they've only been crosstime differences--other forks with the same date. Now, though, we find we're millions of years back in time. We're not the first humans to come here; it's still a secret headquarters. But this time the gang's quite scary.

It's not all grim news. Outside, we meet sentient, feathered dinosaurs... adorable!

Literally. I'm attracted to one. Want to pet her. More than pet.

Will she purr?

I follow them through the dark back-caverns. Run into a tough woman who looks a bit like my old boss Judy, but she's way, way grumpier. A Human Expedition Leader ready to make those Hard Decisions A True Leader Must Make.

Don't want to pet her. Purr or no purr.

She leads us up and out... to our own time? I hope.

Out of the Portal into a fern-forest! Uh-oh. Did the dinosaur era follow us up from the caves? The cave-time always faded before--we emerged into my native time--but it looks like we're trapped in the past!

Then one kid spots a glimpse of a house... a Victorian! Not the Mesozoic, then. Just a century off, out of millions of years--a trivial error, really. Except that now everyone we knew is unborn.

Oh. There goes a modern bus. This isn't a century ago--those Victorians are just a century old. Never mind, then! We're in the fern-groves of modern Golden Gate Park.

Not time-shifted, just... timeless.

Well, that wasn't much of a plot! Trailing off... wait, am I complaining that I got back home alive?

Fern-trees. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

Time-Cave Guides

Bamboo Thug

The Old Time-Traveler's Flat

Cretacious or Victorian?

So What's it all Mean?

I have been feeling like a time traveler, as I watch Covid replay the 1918 flu pandemic in pathetic detail--then too, people rioted and refused to wear masks or shelter at home, though it was clear this saved lives. (Read America's Forgotten Pandemic by Alfred Crosby. And the best book on this era's botched response is The Premonition by Michael Lewis--he shows it wasn't just partisan denial. Leaders from Trump to Fauci to Gavin Newsom were all equally blind to the hazards of exponential growth. A county health officer, Charity Dean, risked her career to confront Newsom and force lockdowns and masks.) Nothing new! A century ago antimaskers stretched that pandemic to three years too. Extra millions died.

I thought we escaped Extinction Grotto only to find we're stuck a century in the barbaric past... because we are.

Time-Cave Guides: caves & the underworld - Patricia McKillip - time travel - the past & alternate worlds - crime - guides & animas - kids - geniuses & prodigies
Bamboo Thug: anger - violence - kids again - pain in dreams - self-defense - religion - Christianity - cops? - Covid? (shots, ow...)
The Old Time-Traveler's Flat: home - dream creatures - cats - elephants - sharp objects - Covid (in person!) - time-travel in dreams - the future - self-flagging dreams
Cretacious or Victorian? animal people - dinosaurs - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - time travel again - oops! - trees & forests
What's It All Mean? book-inspired dreams - Only in San Francisco - Covid again, again, again... - fern-trees inspire an epic dream: Fisher Girls

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