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Dreamed 1989/2/17 by Chris Wayan & 2/18 by Mark Varitz

 . Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
1989/2/17: CHRIS'S DREAM

I sniff the bottle of brown liquid. Aromatic, alcoholic and sweet. Kahlua? Medicine? Aftershave?

A friend just dropping by says "What's that?" Sniffs it. Risks a taste. She says, pleased, "There's a special something there". As she leaves, I tilt it to my lips. Taste. Way too sweet for me. Mutter "That 'special something' is just alcohol plus sugar!" Or is it?

I peer into the bottle, to see if the Sacred Scroll's inside. Slosh it around. It's too murky to tell! If the scroll's there, that's proof--at least sixty proof--that it's a potion encouraging singles to like you! Not a true love potion, more a fair-chance potion.

I'm single, so it sounds like a valuable spell to me. But that means drinking it alone is wasting the stuff--spells do work, I know, but the effect's immediate & brief.

Wait--if there's no scroll inside, no spell gets wasted. And I gotta know the truth! I grit my teeth and drink till I can just see to the bottom.

No scroll in there. Now a vague memory comes--was it left in there, left soggy so long that it BROKE UP?! Maybe it dissolved into the booze... and the potion DOES work. Maybe I just can't scent that 'special something' like my friend could. Clueless.

Or did someone find the scroll and remove it?

Either way, no proof. I wake up still staring, uncertain, at a bottle of... magic?

1989/2/18: MARK'S DREAM

"I was under the sea. Ghosts & spirits of the dead were dancing, stomping on these scrolls on the sea floor.


The Dead Sea Scrolls!"

-- (My friend Mark, phone conversation the next morning, 2/19)

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

The Dead Sea Scrolls as in... the sea of the dead, you see. If you see. I didn't. In MY dream, I just couldn't... see scrolls.

Conclusion: dreams aren't just apparently psychic. They like really bad puns.

LISTS AND LINKS: food & drink - booze & drugs - taste & smell - spells & potions - dating - dreams of & by Mark - dream humor - puns - apparent shared & telepathic dreams - ESP in general - digital dream art - same dreamer, same night: The Furniture & Rocket Breath - a 2nd Mark/Chris maybe-telepathic dream: Datin' Demon

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