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Trespasser Triangle

Dreamed 2022/3/6 by Wayan


I just read A Conspiracy of Truths by Alexandra Rowland. A wandering storyteller unwisely visits a paranoid Slavic nation where eight elected bureaucrats feud and scheme. Jailed for witchcraft or spying or maybe just being foreign, he plays one against the other, making up stupid stories. They lap it up.

Oh. Slavic culture, old guy set up as an oracle... it's a twisted riff on Rasputin, from his point of view! Took me forever to see it.

THAT NIGHT Suburbanites all trespass on their neighbors--sex, snooping, theft? Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I live in a suburb with small homes & yards. I'm with my girlfriend--a tall, lanky cynic. We were making love, but gradually, our bed transforms into a mere picnic blanket on a grassy patch in the neighbors' back yard, half-hidden by brush, but within sight of an ancient man half asleep on his back porch; and his relatives, if they're home, are mobile, audible and alert. My girlfriend likes a little danger, but I worry we'll be caught. I want to go back indoors; I only feel free to let go & enjoy sex when we have privacy.

Then the old guy wakes, disturbed by the noise of a woman from ANOTHER neighboring house as she sneaks over the fence and slips in our back door, taking advantage of OUR inadvertent trespass into the old man's yard. He spots her, but rather than try to warn us in our house we have a trespasser, he sneaks to the fence, clambers over it and slips into HER home--long as she's not there!

A trespasser triangle.

His trespass means we're unobserved. I insist we get up and sneak through his brushy side yard, around his house and back to ours. Once on our porch, we stomp and thump, make enough noise to scare our trespasser out of our house. She runs out the front door and back to her home. Half a minute later the old man runs out her back door, to HIS home. Scared out!

All are in their right places again. I feel frustrated that we got interrupted, but relieved we weren't caught. Though we all were equally trespassing, so...


LISTS AND LINKS: suburbia - house & home - sex - privacy - oops! - frustration - triangles - trespassing & worse crimes - weird dream humor - digital dream art

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