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Uncertain Horizon

Dreamed 2014/11/20 by Cécile Brun


This is chapter 6 of Onibi: Diary of a Yokai Ghost Hunter, a travel journal published as a sort of graphic novel by "Atelier Sento"--Cecile Brun and Olivier Pichard. In fall 2014 they wandered northern Japan, seeking traces of the supernatural in the modern world.

While Brun and Pichard emphasize these are real people and places, I can't be certain this is a real dream--the last panel implies that her photo, taken in the dream, came out (even if the top of the sea-serpent's head is cut off--isn't that always how these snapshots are!)

I'm skeptical. Or am I just jealous? None of MY photos taken in dreams ever come out; I have to draw them later (tedious!)... But then, Cecile has an advantage: a camera she was assured was specially made to film spooks. And who would lie to such sincere tourists?

--Chris Wayan

Tourists in a run-down waterfront meet a sea monster; from 'Onibi: Diary of a Yokai Ghost Hunter.'
Tourists in a run-down waterfront meet a sea monster; from 'Onibi: Diary of a Yokai Ghost Hunter.'
Tourists in a run-down waterfront meet a sea monster; from 'Onibi: Diary of a Yokai Ghost Hunter.'
Tourists in a run-down waterfront meet a sea monster; from 'Onibi: Diary of a Yokai Ghost Hunter.'
Tourists in a run-down waterfront meet a sea monster; from 'Onibi: Diary of a Yokai Ghost Hunter.'
Tourists in a run-down waterfront meet a sea monster; from 'Onibi: Diary of a Yokai Ghost Hunter.'

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