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The Ghost of Creative Catastrophe

Dreamed 2020/3/25 by Wayan
For Dave Smith, who survived
West Nile only to die of Covid


TV news: San Francisco had its first confirmed covid death today. Still, we went into lockdown and masking fast, and people are complying; I'm hoping our deathrate stays low. We'll see.

I stumble on a show about religious practices round the world. Three each week. Tonight:

The show's ambitious; wants to show humanity's full spiritual spectrum. So naturally they're all men. Since sexism's so holy.


Round this calm stroller's cyclone eye
chaos cacaphonous swirls
though never yet quite kills.
That ambling pachyderm
(just pissing by)
does drop a fuming barrelturd

toward his target head (non-bald);
he jumps, evading dung (and jumbo
dong. Dang.) Red car swerves to miss
his deftish pirouette; a bare-inch gap,
only to spin asprawl the bicycle path
thrusting magenta helmeted appalled

cyclist onto the walk. Her spandex vortex
flounders, forced to ding and shock
Our Lady of the Luggage.
A hard case makes a prison-run,
an Eisenstein awheel. Freaks the cockapoo
who yelps and leaps into... and on.

A specialist ghoul. So a shaman comes
and pins it down for a little eth-
ical heart-to-heart. Quelle sort!
A Celtic ghost who compulsively re-
enacts some suicide myth or death
by preposterous misfor-

tune with variations; as Plath a path
as any spook can cook. I for-
get the sobriquet. A Bangeist? Yet
artistic Poltershee: a Rube far more
enthralled by up(creative)roar
than boring ("been there!") death.

Roadside crash involving pedestrian, elephant, car, bike, luggage and dog. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


Weird names for the ghost: today my friend Mike mentioned that 'delog' is a Buddhist term for a soul who's escaped hell... but maybe has some prison tattoos--and habits. I forgot what names the shaman in the dream used, so I mishmashed banshee and poltergeist. Rube, of course, is for Rube Goldberg (look his cartoons up) plus old circus slang: "Hey Rube!" as trouble, and "rube" as victim. A poltergeist turns out to be... Covid? Dream sketch by Wayan.

Hmm. All the letters in delog are in Goldberg. All the letters of dog are in delog, too. Well then!

I bet Jung would says this poltergeist is an inventive side of me, a trickster who's loves uproar. But I wonder. Doesn't it seem like a portrait of Covid? Not plague, typhoid or smallpox, yet a deft social disruptor punching way above its deathrate.


The dream's oddly nonfatal chain of crashes seems obvious now. San Francisco got Covid-19 early and saw plenty of cases, but the Bay Area deathrate stayed far below the (shameful) national or world averages. Can't credit vaccination; the rollout here was quite slow, as the state diverted vaccine to disasters in the Central Valley and LA. We just listened to the science, wore masks, took our vitamins, ate our faddish, silly, California healthfood, and stayed home. And mostly lived.

Not my friend Dave. But most.

LISTS AND LINKS: TV-inspired dreams - on the road - crash! - elephants - shit - bikes & bikers - dogs - dream humor - weird dream beings - ghosts & spirits - shamans - tricksters - diseases - Covid pandemic - dream poems & digital art - A Rube Goldberg murder, in Choreography

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