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A Gazetteer of Serrana:
place names defined

by Chris Wayan, 2004

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Geographic and geological terms defined - Nomenclature, pronunciation - How I built Serrana

GEOGRAPHIC TERMS WITH SPECIAL MEANINGS Tree-squids use pictographs on skin to speak; on Serrana, a Marslike world NOMENCLATURE

Since Serrana's a tribute to Anarres, the Marslike anarchist world in Ursula Le Guin's brilliant The Dispossessed, I've preserved its place names as well as I could--just reversed them. Anarres becomes Serrana, and so on. Single sounds like th, sh, and ch stay the same; that includes gv and kv, which are single consonants in Pravic, her anarchists' language. A few short phrases are elided or run together: Ans Hos became Soh Sna but promptly wore down to Sosna; Peace-and-Plenty became Intelp na Seep. Place names in the book are few, so once I ran out, I tried to name features for appropriate characters in the books: you'll notice Rulag is still cold, Gvarab still gets overlooked, and the palindromic Bunub never shuts up. (Didn't say I succeeded. Said I tried)

Why backward names? Well, I wanted to refer identifiably to Le Guin's names on Anarres, yet not steal them, and because, well, English sounds so pleasantly alien, backward. Woble, Murd, Yendik, Trats, Sherf! And that alienness is needed. On her Anarres, the names are of two sorts:

  1. Pravic words like Abbenay ("mind"), plus a few non-Pravic placenames inherited from telescopic astronomers on the Old World, like Ans Hos and the Ne Theras.
  2. simple descriptive placenames translated into English--Fresh Start, Wide Plains, Liberty--names natural for colonists, outsiders settling a land they see as a mere backdrop to their brave new society. But utterly wrong for nonhuman natives deeply tied to the land! (The only place I've indulged in such simple descriptive names is to label my alien species, for clarity--certainly they don't call themselves raptors and treesquid!)
Anyway, name-reversal felt like an elegant solution, preserving while estranging. And isn't estrangement one of the cardinal virtues? (Of science fiction, anyway.) Besides, Le Guin's first ambiguous utopia, the seed, I think, for Anarres, was "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas"--a short tale inspired by reading "Salem, Oregon" backwards on a roadsign. If she can do it...


Vowels are roughly Spanish (Leas is "LEH-as" not "Leez") except ee and oo, as in feet and boot. "Y" as an initial vowel and "ii" also indicate the long "ee" sound. Eu is rather like eo, not the French eu. Er is "air" not "er..." Initial ng is the sound in "singer" not "finger." If you can't say it, n will do quite well. Double vowels or double consonants after a vowel, like "arr", mark a strong syllable; otherwise, stress the penultimate syllable. Remember that kv and gv are single consonants in Pravic, like English x or Greek ps.

Map of Serrana, a world-building experiment. Click a feature to go there.
TOUR SERRANA! Click a region for a detailed ground-level tour: Aburros Sea - Woble Range - Yanneba Basin and Plano - Mosnoll and Eronit Basins - The Tsud Desert - Eamet Ocean and South Pole - Leas, Niirg, and Narek: The Lesser Seas - The Rakach Plateau and the Northlands

Serrana's homepage - Peoples of Serrana - Culture - Evolution - Gazetteer - How I Built Serrana

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