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A Sphinx's Sketchbook: 8

Dreamed 1994/7/2 and 7/19 by Chris Wayan; drawn 1994-95.

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A Sphinx's Sketchbook, a dream comic; page 8. Click to enlarge.

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Tehura paints the Bay Bridge red like the Golden Gate, and gets the scale of ship versus bridge wrong, but for an artist facing not mere culture shock but species shock, she picks up a lot.

Noa Noa: artists and the arts - Gauguin - creative process - islands - love
Tehura's Tale: animal people, sphinxes - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - flying - scenery - cities - Only in San Francisco - love - lesbian sex & sex dreams in general
Library Dream: books in dreams & libraries - shyness & embarrassment - urge & impulse - memory & dream recall - dreamwork in general
Reflections in the Pool: swimming - mermaids - cats & sphinxes - orgies and group sex - nocturnes -
Peacemaking Devil: flying - angels - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species-bent dreams - devils - war & peace - assertion - dream jobs - joy
General: book-inspired dreams - epic dreams - pencil dream art - round dream art - comics & sequential dream art

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