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Hawks, Eagles and Owls

Dreams of raptors: of hawks, eagles, and owls. Freedom, flight and ferocity. And loyalty. And love.

RELATED TOPICS: flying dreams - dream birds in general - ravens and crows - cranes, herons, swans - griffins (mythical lion/eagle hybrids) - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

BARN OWL FUSION: by Patagia; 2006/3/9, linked transformation and flying dreams
An owl flew at me, and I fused with it. The next thing I knew, I was a redtail hawk...
BIRDMAN TEACHES "NO!": by Miriel as told to Wayan; 1985/7/11, a poem on flight/assertion training
In the canyon behind our home, a steel-clawed birdman taught my brother and me to fly by shouting "NO!"...
BLUE EAGLE: by Xanthe; 1989/10/6, a dream that said it wasn't for me
I met a great blue eagle waiting to get into a library--but not to hunt books...
BLUE SKIES: by Georganna Malloff; 1980?, painting of a slightly predictive dream.
I dreamed of a bear playing a cello concert.
The next day at a concert I was surprised to see that the cellist...
BOSCHTON BEINGS: by Wayan; 11x14" ink drawing, 1983/6/26, surreal nondream tribute to Bosch
This picture does not actually contain any authentic boston beans, just Hieronymus Boschton b...
CLOTHO AND THE POOL OF DREAMS: by Jenny Badger Sultan;
a 2015 painting weaving seven dreams (2014/5/4, 6/9, 7/1 & 9/4; 2015/5/23, 6/26 & 8/25)
A portrait of Clotho, the Greek Fate who spins our life-threads, by a pool woven of my dreams from this time...
CRUISE: by "Michelle", 1990s; a recurrent predictive dream
I never go on cruise ships but I keep dreaming I'm on one and meet the same man, and marry him.....
DREAMKU, APRIL 2007: by Roswila; various dates up to April 2007; 30 dream-poems--mostly haiku
Dream haiku laid out like a calendar. Roswila's favorite is the pirate, but mine is the were-salamander...
EAGLE AND GEESE: by Penelope of Ithaka; c.1240 BCE, a subliminal, self-interpreting dream
I dreamt an eagle slaughtered my twenty geese. I wept until he spoke to me: "Take heart! I am thy husband..."
EAGLE WOMAN: by Hosteen Hal, 1914, an old-friend-becomes-anima dream
An eagle lands near me and turns into a woman. She says "That pet eagle you had as a child?
It's me!" I'm a bit surprised. She wants a turquoise bead with a hole in it, and I look for one...
EAGLES IN LOVE WITH A SWAN: by Thorstein Egilson; c. 982 AD, a twenty-year predictive dream
Before his daughter's even born, Thorstein dreams two eagles in love with a swan kill one another in rivalry over her...
EVASION: by Marie-Claude Girondé, summer 2008?, a dream painting.
One pays for soaring high with solitude of the soul...
FALCON AND FÜHRER: by Miriel; 1985/7/31, an epic flying/transformation dream
A mysterious "Führer" hypnotized all my companions. So I become a human-sized falcon and hunt him...
FALL AT THE RIGHT SIZE: by Wayan; 2018/7/14, a dream shape-poem on a lifesaving indecision.
I fall off a tower, but I can change size. Tiny things fall slower, but they also tempt the local falcons!
Be big & hit hard, or tiny & be eaten? There's a third choice, but I sorta fell into it...
FEATHERHOLDERS: by Wayan; 2020/5/18, a dream of a strange career
My friend Xanthe steals a sorceror's magic feathers and creates a police force
to curb the misuse of magic. But I'm no featherholder; I'm the dispatcher...
FLIGHT, MARGARET, MOUSE, DOG: by Paul Nash, dreamed 1895-9 + Feb. 1913; art by Dave McKean
As a child, landscape artist Paul Nash dreamed of flying over the countryside
of southern England. But he was threatened by the legendary Black Dog...
THE FLYING COW: by a cow-buyer, as told by Pu Songling; before 1679, a perverse predictive dream?
A farmer dreamt his new cow grew wings and flew away. Next day, he sold that cow at a heavy loss. Walking
home with the cash, he found a tame falcon, and tied its leg to his moneybag. One guess what the bird did...
THE FLYING HART: by King Charles VI; c.1390, a flying dream.
King Charles loses a new hawk. But a winged deer lands, bows to him,
and offers him a wild ride across France after his bird...
GOLD EGG: by James Russell Lowell: 1850s? a dream-poem
I dreamt a couple toss out a shabby old hen. But it lays golden eggs! She becomes an eagle and carries me off to...
GRAMPA HAS SPOKEN: by Wayan; 1989/11/26, an oracular dream.
In a worldwide junkyard full of warring spooks, I finally meet the one whose message I need to hear...
GYRLFALCON: by Wayan; 1971/11/26, a genderbent, speciesbent & predictive dream
I'm a Gyrlfalcon in a theater, fighting the Wolverine and his Morlocks with my lover the Green Lion...
HAWK AND CAT: by Wayan, 1981/6/2, a dream of ethics and terror.
My best friend is a cat. Problem is, I'm a rare hawk--a Cat-Eater. I never, ever would, but...
HAWK ANGEL: by Wayan; 1982/12/28; a dream on rejecting hearsay.
I dreamed I met a sort of hawk angel, but there was this preachy guy between us...
HAWK CENSORS: by Wayan; 1988/7/7, a surreal predictive dream on censorship
All the photos of hawk people I can find show them with bizarre genitalia: males
with hawk-heads for penises, and females with nothing. Blank! Then I go to work...
HAWK RIDGE: by Wayan; 1990/2/15; primitivist digital dream-painting
I dreamed I was a gull in Middle Earth fighting Sauron, though he
blurred my vision; but my hawk-eyed gullfriends helped me out...
I AM A BIRD by Nancy Price; 1948, a dream of another life... well, two.
I live as a small falcon, glad I'm no longer human. But when that life ends...
LANDSCAPE FROM A DREAM: by Paul Nash; recurrent dreams 1895-9, painted summer 1937
As a child, Paul Nash dreamt he flew over rural southern England.
As an adult surrealist painter...
LUCID FLIGHT: by Lisa Reich; March 2003, an ecstatic lucid dream of flight.
I flew as if part of the air--an otherworldly freedom so exquisite I wonder if it's attainable at all in earthly existence...
OWL AND CHEESE: by Wayan; 1986/7/8, a dreamtale of a Shadow?
An alien woman makes a mess of our economy, ecology, world--but insists she wants to be my friend...
OWL GUARDIAN: by Wayan; 1986/6/6, a psychic dreamlet
A giant luminous guardian owl baffles and intimidates me
but after seeing a play next evening, it makes more sense...
OWL SHOT: by Wayan; 2007/2/15, a predictive dream
DREAM: I'm hiking in a local preserve when a jay with a handgun shoots an owl...
A MONTH LATER: the first owls to resettle my urban county nest in a nearby park...
A MONTH LATER: they're dead. One was shot; its mate died of grief.
OWLOVERS: by Wayan; 1992, digital painting of vivid daydream.
My dreams mix sex with warmth, grief, even silliness, but what's with the owls? Bewildering...
THE OWLS OF THE GATEKEEPER ON THE FOREST BRIDGE: by Brian Quinn; 2009/7/15, a shamanic invite
I'm pulling a cart in the woods. At a bridge over a canyon, owls urge me to climb down into the misty abyss, but...
OWLYCAT: by Wayan; 1983/3/16, daydream of night being.
At the time I didn't even notice the pun...
THE PEGASUS CHILD: by Wayan; 1982/4/4, a dream of family diversity and spiritual advice
Dad's human, Mom's a weird owl-lynx, the kid's a baby Pegasus... and I,
W.C. Fields, that fat cynical drunken old actor, am the babysitter...
POLTERGEIST: by Wayan; 1983/11/17, a comic surreal dream.
A living camera edits us all: the dappled hawk-man, the slutty candidate, the blue businessmen
who give such bad advice when you pull the thorns from their feet. And my sweet sad hell-hound...
PROPHETIC DREAM OF BUDDHA'S FATHER: by King Suddhodana, c.563 BCE? an uneasy dream
Suddhodana dreams of great upheavals; no courtier can interpret the dream.
An ascetic claims the upheaval will be for the good, then... turns into an owl?!
REBEL OWL: by Wayan; 1971/10/9, a dream so mysterious it mystified its inhabitants
My city's invaded and occupied. I become a gigantic Owl and fight with impossible stamina.
But in the end I'm dead, stuffed, on a museum wall. Can I let go NOW?
SCALDED: by Wayan; 1993/7/3, a near-nightmare.
The feud between our magical families is getting ugly. Hawk-Head's dad throws boiling water on me, so I...
SEA EAGLE: by Robert Moss, 20th century, a psychic dream
I dreamed a sea eagle I saw as a boy led me back to my native Australia, to a Dreaming place.
Later a 'spirit man' of the Mununajali in Queensland led me to the exact place I'd seen in my dream...
SPARROWHAWK: by "Anonymous #14"; pre-1963, a tiny, precise predictive dream
I dreamt a sparrowhawk perched on my shoulder. Next day a friend was given a stuffed sparrowhawk. He...
SPIN, SPIN, FLY AGAIN: by Wayan; 2009/8/8, Shakespeare in drag inspires a flying-dream & poem
Night. I'm scared of the men in the park--till I see they're all gay. I dance,
and as darkness flares to dawn, remember how to fly--regain my falcon-wings...
STEALTH: by Wayan; 1992/1/15 dream on the worship of sleek deadliness.
I dreamed the Stealth Bomber wasn't a machine, but a gigantic Owl-god. And Stealth was worshiped...
SYBIL SUE FLANNERY: by Wayan, 1986/10/29, a dream noir.
I'm Sybil Sue, a hard-boiled shapeshifting shamus, on the track
of the most wanted bankrobbers in LA: the Bad Girls...
TAWNY OWL by Nancy Price; April 1948, a dream of muses
On the road with a poet and a philosopher, I insist we rescue an owl.
But we get lost, and the poet turns into...
WOLF AND BURROWING OWL: by Wayan; 1999/12/5, a scientific fairytale dream.
A burrowing owl invites her friend the wolf over for tea. It sounds very Beatrix Potter, but...

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