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Critters of the Montana Front

Dreamed 2022/5/31 by Wayan

cover of 'A Marvellous Light' by Freya Marske. cover of 'Little Things in a Big Country' by Hannah Hinchman.


I read A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske: a queer fantasy of a Muggle dropped into an extended family of Edwardian-era, upper-class magicians gone nasty, like the movie Knives Out plus magic, or a Brit version of Nina Kiriki Hoffman's book The Thread that Binds the Bones. Sexy in places, but dark.

Then, Little Things in a Big Country by Hannah Hinchman, an artist living at the foot of the Front Range in central Montana. For a year, she walks around with her dog, watercoloring the local scene. I'm envious of her skill--such elegant, spacious compositions, where I just plop things on the page, sigh! After seeing a real artist-journal, my dream journals look dumpy.


On the web gallery Deviantart, I find a lot of My Little Pony fanart of Princess Celestia--an elegant gorgeous immortal winged unicorn ruling the benevolent matriarchy of Equestria (essentially, she's an equine Galadriel). Of course most of it's pony porn, clunky to downright ugly, but now and then there's one like Vad Yakovlev's "Shall we Swim?" Utterly unlike Hinchman, but I like both.

Boulders, snow, deer. Watercolor by Hannah Hinchman. Click to enlarge.
Untitled [Pronghorns], Hannah Hinchman
'Shall we Swim?'--a wading alicorn--Princess Celestia of 'My Little Pony' by Vad Yakovlev. Click to enlarge.
Shall We Swim?, Vad Yakovlev


A coyote girl joins a circus or medicine show, and drives a wagon. She has two forms--pure coyote, and about midway--biped with opposable thumbs, but still small, furry, pointed ears, brushy tail. I think she's hot in both forms.

She takes a vacation... with the local wolf pack! But she's a coyote. How can she possibly fit in?

Sex! She mates with at least one wolf, and maybe... all.

Coyote girl on a wagon; wolves watch. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Local ranchers hate this pack for (occasionally) rustling cattle, but the men are too libertarian and quarrelsome to organize a mass hunt. Which is good. They don't realize that by shooting at the pack when they come too close, they've taught these wolves to avoid cattle except in dire famine. Instead the wolves hunt rabbits and deer; they see this territory as rather lean. So the pack drives out rival predators who'd kill livestock more freely. They protect the ranchers. Who don't know or care.

I leave the brushy creek where I found Coyote Girl and her wolf friends, and cross a huge meadow dotted with sagebrush. Behind one tall sage thicket, I hear an odd grinding noise. Oh! It's a big glossy showhorse, digging with her forehooves like an excited dog, at the mouth of a prairiedog burrow.

Mare digs a hole; prairie dogs stare. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Well, one mouth. A few yards off, a prairie dog head pops up from the grass to observe this giant invader. The mare spots the scout, pounces, and digs there too... too slow of course for the fast little 'dog. Two more bucktoothed heads rise from tunnels the mare has missed...

No idea why a horse is playing whack-a-mole. Or why a grazing mare would have a fancy saddle on, or have a combed, glossy mane and tail. Raised and wagging in excitement. Baring a quite human-looking cunt. Another sexy creature out here...

Aaaaand there's her rider! A woman in an English foxhunting outfit--red tights, silly hat and all. A third sexy creature? But her smirk makes me wary. I'd rather mate with a coyote or mare than someone sneering at me like that.

She's on foot, lounging, just keeping an eye on the mare....

...well, and on that herd of Shadow Sheep. I missed them at first--all I saw was a dark ground-hugging blue-gray mist, but when I really look, I can faintly see the fleecy grazers who generate the shadow.

This isn't the empty prairie it seemed! At all.

Woman in red fox-hunting garb herds transparent shadow-sheep. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

DAY: book-inspired dreams - Montana - sheep - snow - watercolor - artists & the arts - animal people - My Little Pony - royalty - unicorns & pegasi - swimming - digital art
DREAM: Montana again - animal people again - shapeshifters - coyotes - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - wolves, hunting & ecology - ranches - horses - nudity - Silky - her debut 43 years earlier: Sulky & the Scotsman - workaholism vs play - sheep again - invisibility - pencil & digital dream art

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