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Venus Unveiled: A Gazetteer

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Zamin Peninsula: 32 N, 262 E
Zamin Corona, at the NW corner of Beta-Asteria, forms a rounded, hilly peninsula the size of Ireland. It's warm and verdant, with dense forests--one of the rainiest parts of Beta.
Lake Zamudio: 12 N, 188 E
Broad, shallow Lake Zamudio is 250 km wide, with two arms stretching north and west, embracing the low hills between them. Zamudio lies above much larger Lake Fossey, in east Aphrodite. Southwest rises the lava scarps of Mt Sapas. Beyond a lower lava dam to the north is Lake Sitwell; due west, Lake Sapas. Between the lakes is high prairie--hundreds of km of golden grass.
Zaramama Gulf: 21 S, 245 E
Zaramama Gulf, 500 km wide, divides Chondi and Parga. The climate's mild but rather dry in the north, where the shores are mostly brush and grass. But the highlands, like Parga's Cape Lalohonua and Chondi's Atete Corona and Mt Gwen, are heavily wooded. The mouth of the gulf, in the south, is hotter and rainier; Cape Yonsuk, Chondi's southern tip, is rainforested. The north end of the bay narrows into Dilga Strait, full of rocky islands and sounds, resembling Greece.
a jagged, twisting peninsula about 1200 km long, that splits Rusalka Bay (central Aphrodite) into east and west arms. Underwater spurs from the Cape also surface as islands up to halfway across East Rusalka Bay. Cape Zaryanitsa is shaded by Venus's equatorial rings, so its climate is warm but not hot; a mix of meadows, open woods, grasslands (especially the eastern lowlands) and a small arid strip on its west side the mainland, in the rainshadow of Zaryanitsa's hilly central spine. The cape is a long spur of the Dali and Zemina Ranges, on the coast to the south.
The front range bordering Rusalka Bay in east Aphrodite, the Zeminas link Mt Maat and Diana Chasma 2000 km to the west. Their coastal slopes are quite green, but the inland side of the ridges quickly grow dry. Still, the Zeminas aren't high enough to block all rain downwind, like Mt Maat to the north or the Dali/Diana ranges to the west. Lake Zemina, behind the first ridge, is a classic rift lake some 450 km long and 50-100 wide; the basin and range country inland is fairly dry but has pine-forested uplands and rivers and lakes winding along the valley floors.
Zemlika: 32 S, 44 E
Zemlika Corona is a "blue hole" in the shallow sea off Umay-Ene, the largest land in Alpha, southwest of Aphrodite. Zemlika Hole is in the southeast corner of Umay-Ene, just north of Artio Sound,, between the mainland and Pasom-Mana Island. For Venus's blue holes, it's small--no larger than the Tongue of the Ocean in Earth's Bahamas.
ZEWANA SOUND: 15 N, to -10 S, 220 E
Also called Ozza Sound, this inland sea splits eastern Aphrodite into two subcontinents, Atla and Ulfrun. The tortuous sound winds for 2500 km, nearly cut off by at least three chasma-ridge complexes. The shore grows drier to the south, until the sound peters out in a shallow tongue lined with salt pans in the middle of the Jokwa Desert.
Zhu Shuzhen Is: 25 S, 352 E
An island group off southwestern Alpha, north of Eve Corona. The islands are small and rough; their western slopes are rainforest, the east open woods. The climate is warm but not hot; milder than the mainland.
Cape Zimcerla: 50 S, 75
Zimcerla's a peninsula shaped like an anorexic rabbit 750 km long, rearing north from the continent of East Lada. The climate is hot in the south, even hotter in the north, and uniformly rainy. Low north-south ridges covered with dense tropical hardwood forest dominate Zimcerla; the ridges extend under the Aino Sea, re-emerging as the Copia Islands, then Juno Island off southern Aphrodite, and Cape Juno on the mainland.
Zirka: 30 N, 300 E
An island the size of Cuba, east of Beta, near the north end of the Navka Archipelago. Appropriately enough, Zirka is shaped like a Z. The terrain is mostly tesserate--mesas cut by canyons in two directions, like a waffle iron. The result is forest-topped red mesas looming above shady, zigzagging, fern-forest canyons.
Zisa Mts: 10-15 N, 220 E
A corona forming a pine-topped plateau in southern Ulfrun, in east Aphrodite; broadly. The plateau proper is 700 km long and up to 300 wide; ridges radiate in all directions from the central mass. To the west is Yermysh Plain, then Zewana Gulf; to the east, Lake Pani; to the north, Grimke Bay and Lake Tussaud; to the south, Zewana Gulf and the Isthmus of Lengdin.
Zulma Highlands: 8 S, 100 E
high mountains in east Ovda, in western Aphrodite. Zulma is a rugged tangle of ridges and peaks rising to 4 and even 5 km, southeast of the lake-basin of Ovda Fluctus. Like Salika Highland northwest of the lakes, the Zulma range has snowcapped peaks above alpine meadows and forests of pine and aspen. (Ovda is equatorial, and the rings cool this zone more than the torrid zones north and south of it.) Zulma's south side is gashed by Kwanja Chasm; streams from the Zulma's snows feed Lake Kwanja down in the hot dry canyon.
Zumrad Islands: 30-38? N, 95 E
Zumrad ("ZOOM rad") is a crater now drowned in the sea off Tellus. As it's just offshore from the long western arm of the complex Shimti Archipelago, that arm is often called the Zumrad Islands. There's no clear line where the Zumrads and the Shimtis begin, but there are around a dozen major islands, up to 160 km long. Islets link the Zumrads to a similar group 200 km north: the Lowana Islands. The islands are narrow and angular, cliffwalled and rugged. Though not as steamy as Tellus, the Zumrads are quite wet: from rainforested plateaus, waterfalls drop down fern chimneys into the sea.
an east-west rift nearly 2000 km long in south Asteria. After terraforming, the lowest part of the rift filled up, creating Lake Zverine, about 300 km long. The rift is quite dry, with bare red-earth slopes and black cliffs in spots. The chasma's a spreading zone and may be still active: one volcano's been split in two. The south ridge flanking the chasma is quite a high range, the Baranamtarra Mts (usually called the Bananaramas). These block storms off Hinemoa Bay; beyond, Asteria's south coast is much greener.
Lake Zywie: 39 S, 293 E
A narrow, deep mountain lake 300 km long in central Themis, nestled between the Zywie Mts and the tall Semiramis Range. One of a chain of six great lakes winding 1600 km through the mountain chasmas of central Themis, called the High Lakes. The region is hot and rainy, though being an upland somewhat sheltered by mountains, it's less steamy and stormy than the Themis lowlands--but that just means six meters of rain a year instead of 12.

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Map of terraformed Venus. Mountains are white, highlands gold, lowlands brown.
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