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Venus Unveiled: A Gazetteer

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Cape Earhart, Earhart Gulf: 71 N, 135 E
EARHART CORONA is a hilly peninsula 600 km across, on the terra of Tethus, east of Ishtar. Earhart forms the north end of the great island. To the south lies central Nightingale Corona, a ring cupping Lake Nightingale. Earhart's climate is Mediterranean, with oak/olive uplands and dry, grassy lowlands.
EARHART GULF, just west of Earhart Corona, separates Tethus from Meskhent, another huge terra to the north and west. The east shore is shallow, but the far west shore, of Meskhent, has deep trenches, branched and winding, that function like rivers, draining cold heavy water into the Arctic Sea. Earhart Gulf is also called the Nightingale Sea.
Edda: 46 N, 28 E
Cape Edda is a wedge 200 km long on the southern coast of Ishtar. To the north are the Laima Mountains and the great chasmas of southeast Ishtar--Lake Mate, Baba Yaga Chasma, etc. Cape Edda and the whole coast south of the Laimas are hot and humid, with trees larger than any on Earth (though quite modest for Venus). Edda is a landfall for fliers coming north out of the real rainforests of Kruchina.
Lake Eileen: 26 S, 233 E
Lake Eileen is in the Forest of Thaukhud, in southern Chondi. A north-south lake 160 km long but quite narrow, Eileen looks like a typical chasma lake but is much shallower, just as the low ridges of Thaukhud are gentler than chasma formations--an old, tired, Appalachian sort of chasma, perhaps. The Eileen River drains the lake east into the Zaramama Gulf. South of Eileen, the woods grow denser, until, at Cape Yonsuk 500 km south, it's subtropical rainforest. To the west, the forest stretches 300 km; to the north is a sister lake, Marie, nearly twice as big.
Eisila: 20 N, 0 E
See Eistla. Eisila is a misspelling common on older maps of Venus.
EISTLA: 20-40 N, 0-90 E
1) a continent-sized archipelago between Aphrodite and Ishtar, sprawling a quarter of the way around the world. Eistla's first syllable is pronounced "Ace." You handle the second.
2) the westernmost land in this archipelago, well over a million square km. Eistla is fertile, with Amazonian forest in the north, grassy uplands in the center around the two great volcanoes, Mt Gula and Mt Sif, and open woods in the south, except in the densely forested Olosa Hills above Enid Strait, and on Cunitz, the long crater-island offshore. The southwest coast is a rugged set of capes and bays like Veriko Bay--lava flows from Mt Sif. In the west, green Cape Audrey bends sharply north, sheltering Heidi Sound with its many islets. In the east the most prominent feature is Guor Chasma with its narrow lakes, trailing off into the Guor Islands between Eistla and Sappho.
a hot, densely rainforested island about the size of England or Sulawesi, in the central Lada Archipelago. Locally dubbed Icky Burping, Ekhe-Burkan's just another euphonious legacy from the committee that also approved the immortal Astkhik. While they were scraping away at the bottom of the goddess barrel, why didn't they name something Hukkle, after the Hungarian goddess of hiccups?
Lake Eliot, Eliot Patera: 39 N, 79 E
A cliffwalled lake near the north shore of Tellus just east of the Tahia Peninsula. Eliot is an old egg-shaped caldera. The surrounding region is smothered in Megazoic rainforest, with taller trees than the Amazon or the redwoods; even the cliffs are fern-clad, with trees on every ledge. Most of Tellus is tessera, convolutions like a huge brain--but the Eliot region may be tessera-free, though its lava fields are less extensive than those of its eastern twin, Apgar Patera.
Cape Ellen: 25 S, 280 E
Cape Ellen, named for a drowned crater, is a peninsula nearly turning Mielikki Sound, between Phoebe and Themis, into an inland sea. Ellen Strait's shallow and no more than 10 km wide. The cape is one of the ridges radiating from Mt. Yunya--the last gasp of the Devana Mts. It's 300 km long and 150 wide, a mixture of woods and prairies, with moderate rainfall and mild temperatures.
Cape Emegen: 38 N, 290 E
A subtropical, forested, rugged cape 150 km long poking northeast from Beta. Just offshore is Blathnat Hole, a circular deep. To the north up the coast is Cape Hiromi, then Cape Daphne. The whole northeast coast is a series of capes and bays, opener than fjords, but nearly as rugged--fingers of the high Devana Range to the west.
Emilia Islands: 25 S, 90 E
Four large and many small islands, off Cape Juno, on Aphrodite. The whole region has a mild, marine climate--rainforests on the hills and open woods on the many plains. Coral reefs line most of the islands' shores. I'm unsure of their exact outlines because slopes here are so gentle. I THINK the four main islands are 50-100 km across and lie in a rough line between 150 and 500 km northwest of Cape Juno, just east of a blue hole, Ohogetsu Corona. To the west is lonely, steep little Narina Island, then huge Dylacha.
Lake Emma, Emma Veldt: 13 S, 304 E
Emma is the largest lake (30,000 sq km) in southeast Phoebe. Lake Emma lies between two volcanoes: steep Ilga to the north and massive Mt. Vupar to the south. Rich marshes surround the shallow lake (an old lava bed). Emma Veldt, the plain around the lake, resembles African savanna.
Enid Strait, Cape Enid: 13 N, 354 E
Cape Enid is the southern tip of Eistla, just below the Olosa Hills. Between the cape and Cunitz offshore lies Enid Strait. Cape Enid is rugged--it's the apron of ejecta from an impact crater, Enid, near its tip (now a walled marsh). Cunitz offshore is a similar ejecta apron.
Epona Island, Epona Hole: 28 S, 204 E
Epona Island is the northern rim of a deep impact crater, Isabella, in the sea between Imdr and Aphrodite, just south of Cape Stanton. The island is 150 long and 50 wide, warm and wooded--much rainier than the mainland to the north. Epona's north end is splash material from the impact, rising to rugged cliffs on its inner south face, dropping into the 200-km blue hole of the crater. It's like a scaled-up version of Santorini, in Greece, though nonvolcanic. To the west is similar but larger Isabella Island, 250 km long. The two isles run parallel for 120 km across a trench--is this a mini-chasma or just how the splashes landed? I suspect the impact was so big it tore Venus's skin and started a rift growing--it's even more evident south of Isabella, around Nott . But I can't prove cause/effect! To the north toward Cape Stanton are more ambiguous islands--flanking a weak rift, splash debris, or neither? 250 km east is Epona Hole, a sunken corona named for the Celtic goddess of horses. It's probably all underwater, but there may be an islet or coral reefs on its northwest. I borrowed the name since it's the nearest feature that had one--but if Epona Corona's rim does rise above water, it'll be Epona Island and my "Epona" will have to be named North Isabella.
Ereshkigal Island: 20 N, 83 E
A ring-island some 300 km across, south of Tellus, off Aphrodite (the Ovda region). One of a matched pair of rings--the other is Kunhild, just to the west. Ereshkigal's rainforested but not Amazonian; it's on the very edge of the torrid zone.
Erigone Bay: 35 S, 285 E
A bay 300 km wide off northwest Themis. Erigone is a "sunken" corona, puckering in instead of bulging out, but it still has typical arcuate ridges around its edges, creating long curved islands and capes, especially in the northwest, where the parallel slivers of the Erigone Islands rise sharply from narrow cliff-walled sounds.
Erkeley Is.: 45 N, 100 E
A small island group in the Niobe Ocean, 500 km off Tellus, east of the long island of Medeina. Like all the lands around the Lowana Sea, the Erkeleys are dense rainforest. Their nearest neighbors are little Hiei Chu to the north and Kurukulla to the northeast. The Erkeleys form a flyway east from Tellus to much larger Kutue, the Akkruvas and Ananke.
Erkir: 13 S, 236 E
Erkir Island is off southeast Aphrodite, in the Hecate Sea, just north of Chondi. Part of the Dziwica Islands (roughly pronounced "divitsa,") Erkir's part of a long undersea ridge paralleling Chondi that breaks the surface now and then--a spur-ridge of the long Parga Chasma. To the west is Barnes; to the east, a long chain of islets, the Hollas. In a few centuries, the growing coral reefs in the shallows along the ridge will make Dziwica a diver's mecca, enlarge and unite the Holla Islands, and perhaps link Barnes and Erkir too. The north shore of Erkir abruptly drops off into a round blue hole, the Toma Deep.
Lake Esther: 21 N, 22-23 E
Largest lake on Asomama, in Eistla. Esther is 200 km long and over 120 wide (125 by 75 mi), dominating southwestern Asomama. The shores are near-Amazonian rainforest, yet most of Asomama is warmer and wetter still.
Eve Corona: 30 S, 356 E (i.e. nearly 0)
a large corona at the southwest tip of Alpha. Half-flooded, Eve forms a blunt peninsula with a craterlike lake at its heart. The western slopes are rainforest, the east open woods. Eve's on the edge of the torrid zone, so the lowlands can get quite hot, though the mountains rise steeply to 2 km, where temperatures are mild.

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Map of terraformed Venus. Mountains are white, highlands gold, lowlands brown.
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